Replacing Chaos with Order

By DiAnn Mills @DiAnnMills I’m ready to replace the chaos in my life with order. What about you? Have you experienced enough disease, world crises, country dissent, state issues, and personal problems that range from A to Z? While normal can change daily, sometimes hourly, a means of establishing order takes a commitment to guidelines that help us maintain our …

Are You a Survivor?

By DiAnn Mills @DiAnnMills A survivor is someone who has lived through a tragic event. Survivors aren’t only those who lived while others died; sometimes resurfacing after enduring physical, emotional, or spiritual turmoil also makes us a survivor. Using the acronym for SURVIVOR, we can look at a few qualities needed to walk through fire and endure the heat. S …

5 Tips to Transition to a Healthier You

DiAnn Mills @DiAnnMills Guest Post by Susan U. Neal RN, MBA, MHS @SusanNealYoga When we decide to implement a healthier lifestyle, we need a spiritual plan to ensure success. We are complex beings with a body, mind, spirit, and soul. Sometimes food or beverages may be a stronghold we turn to instead of God to meet our needs. Therefore, these …

When Out of Control is Okay

DiAnn Mills @DiAnnMills Guest blog by Jerusha Agen @SDGwords The anxiety was like an attacker clutching at my throat. It cinched my stomach and squeezed my heart. I knew this nemesis, this fear, too well. I thought I had shaken off my anxiety only the week before. But as soon as I had learned a loved one’s health was at …

FOMO – Fear of Missing Out

By DiAnn Mills @DiAnnMills Congratulation to Lisa from Texas who was randomly selected as the winner from last week’s Title This Image For A Giveaway! Lisa was sent a $50 e-Gift card from We are plagued with a new stress-virus called FOMO: Fear of Missing Out. The biggest symptom is an addiction to our cell phones. Our devices take precedence …

Women Who have Influenced Our Lives

By DiAnn Mills @DiAnnMills This Sunday, May 9, is Mother’s Day. This is the one day a year we honor the women who have loved, encouraged, influenced, shared wisdom, and challenged us mentally, physically, and spiritually. These women can be quiet or out-spoken, short or tall, reflective or extremely funny, young or old, and live near us or far away. …

April 27 – National Tell a Story Day

By DiAnn Mills @DiAnnMills Tuesday, April 27 is National Tell a Story Day. Listeners, readers, and writers share a bond—we love a wonderful story. For centuries we’ve been thrilled with character and plot in a world that is often different from our own. Our imaginations explode when stories come to life. Stories help us see a reflection of ourselves. Since …

What Do Plants and People have in Common?

By DiAnn Mills @DiAnnMills Spring is the time of year when many people connect with plants. The temperatures are warmer; the earth is thawing, and the color green offers hope. Nurturing and coaxing tender shoots is a lot like nurturing and coaxing people to fulfill their God-given purpose and offer their gifts to a hurting world. We can’t force plants …