Creating Sanctuary Moments

By DiAnn Mills @DiAnnMills I’ve come to a place in life where I can freely admit my adult years have been spent on a quest to create sanctuary moments. I think most of us have an unsettling, restless, search for balance that has the potential to bring peace to our souls. Faith is the most important component to achieve lasting …

Entrusting Our Pain to a Good God

DiAnnMills @DiAnnMills By Dr. Michelle Bengtson @DrMBengtson Jesus warned that while we live on earth, we will experience pain, suffering, trials, and tribulations. In my own life, and in the lives of most of my patients coming to see me as a board-certified clinical neuropsychologist, I’ve seen how words, events, and actions wound our heart. If left untreated, they often …

Zacchaeus Climbed Out On a Limb

By DiAnn Mills @DiAnnMills How far are you willing to extend yourself to achieve a goal? Are you aware of the sacrifices that partner with the rewards of working hard to reach a dream? Do you ever wonder if you’re all alone in your pursuit of satisfaction? Has anyone ever posed those questions to you? If not, let me give …

Short Story: Grandpa—A Retired PI

By DiAnn Mills @DiAnnMills And now for something different: In the fast-paced world of Houston, a retired private investigator named Larry is ready to welcome his grandson, Greer, for the summer. But their reunion quickly turns into a high-stakes adventure when Larry discovers Greer’s life may be in danger due to his mother’s dangerous choices. As Larry reconnects with his past …

Stress – The Truth Not a Myth!

By DiAnn Mills @DiAnnMills Most of us have preconceived ideas about stress. Some of our conclusions are valid, and others are myths. Let’s look at what stress is according to professionals, what stress isn’t, and how we can protect ourselves from debilitating damage to our bodies. I once believed that stress got blamed for all the medical problems that it …

Are You Ready to Create a Spiritual Legacy Part II

By DiAnn Mills @DiAnnMills Last week we began a discussion on the why and how to leave a spiritual legacy for our children and grandchildren. This week, we will continue the discussion. I hope many of you started working on yours! Spirituality takes time, effort, and discipline in God’s Word: giving, sharing, being Jesus to all we meet. Leaving a …

Are You Ready to Create a Spiritual Legacy Part I

By DiAnn Mills @DiAnnMills Children and grandchildren—We love them, treasure them, remember the special times, and laugh over their antics. I watched my grandchildren take on unique personalities and sensed a need to leave more behind than an image of me as their Mimi, photos, the books I’d written, or the many hours of being with them. Although quality time …

Transparent or Needy?

By DiAnn Mills @DiAnnMills We often hear the best way to communicate is to be transparent. Yet many people hesitate to use ihe ability for fear of being labeled needy. What is the difference between transparent and needy, and how do we apply transparency to our lives? Transparent in written or oral communication means that we are allowing others to …

Living the Seasons of Life

By DiAnn Mills @DiAnnMills The varied seasons of our lives are an intricate part of growth and change. Young and old experience new challenges and victories from the moment we are born. Some of us learn to crawl sooner than others. Some of us walk later than others. Our first teeth arrive at different times. Our first words are never …