Salads When It’s Too Hot to Cook

By DiAnn Mills @DiAnnMills I love Houston, and that includes the heat and humidity, but not when the heat index soars to 114 °. Grilling outside is not even a consideration, and who wants to heat up the oven? This week I’m offering a few salad recipes to fuel your body and keep you cool. Enjoy! Crispy Jicama Apple Salad …

9 Ways to Pack Light and Smart for Your Next Trip

By DiAnn Mills @DiAnnMills This is the season to travel. Tourist attractions, family celebrations, and new adventures are calling us. We might be headed for a weekend excursion or a lengthy trip, but the thrill is the same. Over the years, I’ve simplified my packing method, and I’d like to share with you 9 ways to ensure your next trip …

Summer Salads to Cool the Heat

By DiAnn Mills @DiAnnMills This summer the heat has been somewhere between unbearable and downright hot. Finding light meals that are nutritious can challenge the best of us. But this summer I’ve discovered and experimented with salad fixin’s that I want to share with you. Charred Corn Salad – from Joanna Gaines at 1 tablespoon plus 1 teaspoon kosher …

Slow Down and Experience Life

By DiAnn Mills @DiAnnMills This summer we took a family vacation to the Rocky Mountain National Park, a favorite respite for my husband and me. This time, we had our son, daughter-in-law, and three enthusiastic grandkids to hike and enjoy park activities. One morning I took a walk outside our cabin along the Fall River near Estes Park, Colorado. I …

10 Tips for Packing Your Suitcase

By DiAnn Mills @DiAnnMills This is the season for summertime travel, but sometimes packing a suitcase is a challenge. What do I want to take? Need to take? What’s the best way to analyze if I’ve packed enough or too much? Before you slide into a “Why did I plan this trip?” mode, there is a solution. Over the years …

Cheat Sheet for Your 4th of July Celebration

By DiAnn Mills @DiAnnMills The 4th of July birthday of America celebration will soon be here. This year it’s on a Sunday. Many working Americans may have a day off extending the weekend, but how can those people relax and plan a special event at the same time? You’re right! It’s next to impossible. To help you have a grand …

What Happened to Our Summer?

By DiAnn Mills @DiAnnMills The calendar now says summer is coming to a close. Wasn’t it just spring? What happened to the summer of 2020? Because of the pandemic and the guidelines set into place to protect all of us, our summer expectations probably didn’t happen. Instead, we acquired new skills and faced a new normal. I saw a meme …

Summer Recipes – Easy and Yummy

By DiAnn Mills @DiAnnMills Summer heat means we want easy recipes that keep us out of a hot kitchen. I’m always looking for something yummy, and this week I want to share a few taste treats with you. Baba Ghanouj or Ganoush (Roast Eggplant Puree) This eggplant delicacy is light, nutritious, high on flavor, and incredibly good. Source: The Food …