When Our Emotions Reach Flood-Level

By DiAnn Mills @DiAnnMills We’ve all experienced overwhelming emotions when life’s happenings make us feel like we’re drowning in flood-level pressure, responsibilities, and daily challenges. The urge to give up and let the sea sweep us away tempts us. Too often, we forget that channeled stress helps us effectively problem-solve and meet deadlines. We can learn to swim to higher …

Are You Denying Your Emotions?

By DiAnn Mills @DiAnnMills Each one of us responds to life and its peculiarities with emotion. We are all wired differently, and that makes us all unique. How we mentally, physically, and spiritually interpret happenings is based on inherited traits, our role models from birth, and life experiences. It’s no surprise that many of us deny what we feel. Tonya …

Creativity Heals the Heart

By DiAnn Mills @DiAnnMills Congratulations to Amy from North Carolina in being randomly selected to receive copies of TRACE OF DOUBT for her book club as described in my recent blog post. Physical or Emotional Stress + Creativity = Healing. Creativity allows us to use our imaginations to develop something beautiful. The artistic expression draws on a mysterious side of …

Courage to Walk Through Self-Forgiveness

By DiAnn Mills @DiAnnMills Put on your rhino skin and lace up your courageous boots. The time has come to walk through self-forgiveness and enter the world of peace of mind. The journey may be rough. Tears may fall. A few scrapes and bruises might draw a gasp. But if we refuse to step into the mire, we’ll never experience …