5 Ways to Avoid Summer Stress

By DiAnn Mills @DiAnnMills Summer is a few weeks away, and it begins with Memorial Day, a time for families to explore the many activities waiting for us outside. Schools will soon be out for the summer. Vacation plans take form. Family reunions, sports activities, camping, etc. Supposedly summer is a season to relax. We can’t enjoy the beautiful weather …

Websites That Add Value to My Life

By DiAnn Mills @DiAnnMills Most of us have ‘go-to’ websites for education, entertainment, and information. We’ve found sites we trust because of the originator’s integrity, reputation and quality of information. I have my favorites too. Below are some of the websites that I have found helpful. Physical The Mayo Clinic When I have a question about nutrition, health, exercise, symptoms, …

May – National Get Caught Reading Month

By DiAnn Mills @DiAnnMills When I learned that May is National Get Caught Reading Month, I did a little research to see what the celebration means to young and old. Here are three facts: The celebration is sponsored by the Association of American Publishers. It’s supported by many well-known people. Online websites offer hints to teachers and parents about how …

For the Love of Cookies!

By DiAnn Mills @DiAnnMills If I have a weakness, other than great coffee and creating a story, it’s a sweet, delicious, satisfying cookie. While reading through the latest copy of Martha Stewart Living magazine, I found the most mouth-watering Mexican Hot-Chocolate cookie recipe. I made them and they are the perfect, cinnamon spicy, chocolate cookie. Easy too! Mexican Hot-Chocolate Cookies …

Unsung Heroes – Bookstore Owners and Librarians

By DiAnn Mills @DiAnnMills Last week, my husband and I flew to Colorado Springs to meet with bookstore owners and their staff in southeast Colorado, conduct events, and to meet with readers at two Kansas libraries. We were greeted by incredible people who are passionate about books and readers. What do these words and places have in common? Junction – …

Relationships and Friends – Not Just Followers

By DiAnn Mills @DiAnnMills This may be your first DiAnn Mills’ blog since subscribing to my weekly posts. Last week I announced an incredible giveaway as a celebration of my new romantic suspense novel DEEP EXTRACTION. The random drawing is for all blog subscribers as of 1:00 p.m. Central on Thursday, April 13. Take a look at these fantastic prizes! …