Are You Ready to Create a Spiritual Legacy Part I

By DiAnn Mills @DiAnnMills Children and grandchildren—We love them, treasure them, remember the special times, and laugh over their antics. I watched my grandchildren take on unique personalities and sensed a need to leave more behind than an image of me as their Mimi, photos, the books I’d written, or the many hours of being with them. Although quality time …

What Does Hope Mean to You?

By DiAnn Mills @DiAnnMills Hope is as much a part of our lives as breathing. We thrive on a better tomorrow and long for a spark of optimism in a world that appears to have turned upside down. Your hopes, dreams, and aspirations are not the same as mine, but that doesn’t change the importance. In our still moments, we …

Websites That Add Value to My Life

By DiAnn Mills @DiAnnMills Most of us have ‘go-to’ websites for education, entertainment, and information. We’ve found sites we trust because of the originator’s integrity, reputation and quality of information. I have my favorites too. Below are some of the websites that I have found helpful. Physical The Mayo Clinic When I have a question about nutrition, health, exercise, symptoms, …