Healing From Life’s Scratches

By Julie Garmon @DiAnnMills This week’s blog post is from Julie Garmon, a long-time friend and great writer. For months I pretended not to notice, but last week there was no denying it. As I vacuumed the den, the late afternoon sun poured through the windows, highlighting the scratches in our pine floors. Our floors had been through hard times. Life …

A Fiction Writer’s Hardest Task

By DiAnn Mills @DiAnnMills Last week a reader asked about my hardest task as a writer. I had to think before answering. I’m in the midst of line edits before turning in my next story, so I’m totally emerged in every word, goal, voice, gesture, motive, plot line, romance, suspense, symbol, character(s), emotion, dialogue, narrative, transition, spiritual impact, as well …

Getting Along with Difficult People

By DiAnn Mills @DiAnnMills Difficult people can make life miserable. Even to the point we can dread waking up in the morning. They seldom hide or avoid us; neither are they courteous. Difficult people can roam our homes, live next-door, be seated at a desk beside us, take the role of a boss, or simply pop up when we least …

February – Bake for Family Fun Month

By DiAnn Mills @DiAnnMills I love to bake. There’s something about creating a sweet treat for those I love that fills me with satisfaction. Baking with my grandchildren is incredibly rewarding. We build our relationship while learning skills—measuring, reading recipes, what different ingredients do for the finished product, how to break eggs, using a rolling pin, setting the timer on …

11 Ways to Say I Love You on Valentine’s Day That Won’t Break the Bank

By DiAnn Mills @DiAnnMills Since the 14th century, Valentine’s Day has been celebrated as a time of romantic love. But let’s face it, candy, flowers (roses), exquisite restaurants, get-away weekends, and one-of-a-kind gifts can blow our budget. Even paying for a babysitter is expensive. This week, I have your back. Here are 11 ways to say, “I Love You”, that …