Replacing Chaos with Order

By DiAnn Mills @DiAnnMills I’m ready to replace the chaos in my life with order. What about you? Have you experienced enough disease, world crises, country dissent, state issues, and personal problems that range from A to Z? While normal can change daily, sometimes hourly, a means of establishing order takes a commitment to guidelines that help us maintain our …

5 Ways to Stay Upbeat During the Winter

By DiAnn Mills @DiAnnMills Sometimes it’s hard to stay upbeat during the winter. The excitement that started in October and ended January 1 is over, and we step into a New Year with our lives resuming a type of normal. Whatever that is. We try to deny or compensate for the weather bringing us down. But those bleak doldrums pop …

When You Don’t See Any Growth

By Katy Kauffman @DiAnnMills This week’s blog is a guest post by Katy Kauffman The poor little maple started as a “weed” in my front flower beds. Instead of casting aside the tiny bright green tree, I planted her in the backyard. Yes, it’s a she, since we named her “Scarlet,” hoping one day she would showcase gorgeous red leaves …