10 Ways a Road Trip Improves Our Health

By DiAnn Mills @DiAnnMills

Two weeks ago, my husband and I packed the car for a four-night, five-day road trip. We needed a getaway for mental, physical, emotional, and spiritual reasons. While we covered miles exploring new sights, sounds, and adventures, we relaxed. From Houston to Oklahoma to the Texas Panhandle, we strengthened our relationship, laughed, and shared our hopes and dreams for the future.

Our return home refreshed us far beyond what we imagined.

The following are 10 reasons why all of us need to consider getting away from home if only for a night. The diversion does make us more agreeable people!

  1. Allows muscles to relax
  2. Encourages good emotional health and a positive mood
  3. Enhances authentic and appropriate communication with those around us
  4. Improves our concentration and brain function
  5. Learn more about ourselves and the world around us
  6. Makes us happy
  7. Paves the way for less headaches, muscle fatigue, lowers blood pressure, and gives us energy
  8. Promotes better sleep
  9. Relieves stress
  10. Soothes our soul

How have you experienced a better mind and body in a short excursion from home? What benefits did you discover?



DiAnn’s Library Corner

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