Spreading the Word about Fav Books

By DiAnn Mills @DiAnnMills As readers, many of us finish a novel or nonfiction book and post a review on Amazon, Barnes and Noble, CBD, Goodreads, LifeWay, Mardel, etc. In addition to reviews, many of us post our opinions about a title on social media platforms such as Facebook, Instagram or Twitter. Still others choose word of mouth to recommend …

5 Things I Learned at New York’s Central Park

By DiAnn Mills @DiAnnMills New York City is a beautiful city filled with wonder, adventure, entertainment, many cultures, and the real estate that goes straight up. Visiting New York is always a treat, and this 8 day trip exceeded my expectations. My destination was ThrillerFest, a comprehensive learning and networking with writers working on all levels of their career. When …

When All We Can Do is Laugh

By DiAnn Mills @DiAnnMills Two weeks ago, I co-directed the Blue Ridge Mountains Christian Writer’s Conference in North Carolina. Edie Melson and I worked hard all year with our assistants to ensure conferees and faculty valued the conference. We enjoyed a spectacular week. But two weeks before, everything seemed to head downhill. Speaking events and book signings are fun. But …

Websites That Add Value to My Life

By DiAnn Mills @DiAnnMills Most of us have ‘go-to’ websites for education, entertainment, and information. We’ve found sites we trust because of the originator’s integrity, reputation and quality of information. I have my favorites too. Below are some of the websites that I have found helpful. Physical The Mayo Clinic When I have a question about nutrition, health, exercise, symptoms, …

For the Love of Cookies!

By DiAnn Mills @DiAnnMills If I have a weakness, other than great coffee and creating a story, it’s a sweet, delicious, satisfying cookie. While reading through the latest copy of Martha Stewart Living magazine, I found the most mouth-watering Mexican Hot-Chocolate cookie recipe. I made them and they are the perfect, cinnamon spicy, chocolate cookie. Easy too! Mexican Hot-Chocolate Cookies …

Relationships and Friends – Not Just Followers

By DiAnn Mills @DiAnnMills This may be your first DiAnn Mills’ blog since subscribing to my weekly posts. Last week I announced an incredible giveaway as a celebration of my new romantic suspense novel DEEP EXTRACTION. The random drawing is for all blog subscribers as of 1:00 p.m. Central on Thursday, April 13. Take a look at these fantastic prizes! …