Getting Along with Difficult People

By DiAnn Mills @DiAnnMills Difficult people can make life miserable. Even to the point we can dread waking up in the morning. They seldom hide or avoid us; neither are they courteous. Difficult people can roam our homes, live next-door, be seated at a desk beside us, take the role of a boss, or simply pop up when we least …

Thank You, Readers

By DiAnn Mills @DiAnnMills Click link on right to view video from DiAnn – DiAnn Mills Video Blog Save the date and join DiAnn when she goes Live on Facebook at 7:00 p.m. Central on Tuesday evening, February 6th.  Logon to Facebook first, then click this link: DiAnn’s Library Corner Librarian Tip – Check out these creative ways on …

Meet Texas Author DiAnn Mills @ River Oaks Bookstore

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Are you an avid reader or love to write? Discover how best-selling author DiAnn Mills creates story. With over 70 published books, DiAnn will talk about her passion to entertain readers, the thrill of research, the process of discovering unique characters, and how she ensures her readers will Expect an Adventure. Bring your questions for a candid discussion. Book signing …

DiAnn Speaks During Local Author Hour @ Helen Hall Library

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DiAnn’s excited to share about the Writing Life during the Local Author Hour at the Helen Hall Library in League City, TX on February 8, 2018 in the Susan Mathews Theater from 10:15 am to 11:30 am.  She will have copies of her brand new release HIGH TREASON available for sale at special event price and will be glad to …

What Does January 2018 Mean to You?

By DiAnn Mills @DiAnnMills Here we are! January 2018! We’re probably in a happy-tired mode from all the festivities. We began with the Thanksgiving turkey and raced to New Year’s celebrations. Our bellies are full—maybe too full! Memories are sealed in our hearts that photos can never capture. The sights and sounds of the holidays are a part of our …

10 Ways to Make Sure Your Thanksgiving is a Blessing

By DiAnn Mills @DiAnnMills Thanksgiving is the holiday intended for us to give thanks for God’s many blessings. Through traditional feasts of turkey, dressing, mashed potatoes, pumpkin pie, and family favorites, we celebrate the past year with loved ones. While the intent is to think outside ourselves, 2017 may have been a tough year for you. Let me encourage you …