Zacchaeus Climbed Out On a Limb

By DiAnn Mills @DiAnnMills How far are you willing to extend yourself to achieve a goal? Are you aware of the sacrifices that partner with the rewards of working hard to reach a dream? Do you ever wonder if you’re all alone in your pursuit of satisfaction? Has anyone ever posed those questions to you? If not, let me give …

In Pursuit of Tenacity

By DiAnn Mills @DiAnnMills I was introduced to tenacity in middle school. We had a week of learning about tenacious people and how they were more than determined or stubborn, but persistent in their goals. The teacher designed the lessons to show the value of staying on task and shaking off negativity. Now, I look around me at the number …

4 Strategies for Overcoming Life’s Obstacles

By DiAnn Mills @diannmills Guest Post by Kristen Hogrefe Parnell @KHogrefeParnell When my now-husband James and I were dating, he helped me purchase my first mountain bike. I knew he loved off-road biking and that this investment would give us hours of quality time together. Going on three years now, I’ve been riding my Cannondale with him, and he’s been …

Never Say Never!

By DiAnn Mills @DiAnnMills Have you ever said, “That will never happen?” Perhaps it’s something you’ve dreamed of doing or not doing. The situation could be about another person or happening. Before you fall prey to the Never Syndrome, remember the lightbulb, automobile, and television were once laughable concepts. Take a look at the following list of 7 items that …

What Does January 2018 Mean to You?

By DiAnn Mills @DiAnnMills Here we are! January 2018! We’re probably in a happy-tired mode from all the festivities. We began with the Thanksgiving turkey and raced to New Year’s celebrations. Our bellies are full—maybe too full! Memories are sealed in our hearts that photos can never capture. The sights and sounds of the holidays are a part of our …

Never Too Old!

Tweetable – Latest From DiAnn’s Desk – Never Too Old! via @DiAnnMills #WritersLife (Click to Tweet) In 1996, my husband said to me, “Stop telling me someday you’re going to write a book. Do it now. Quit your job. I give you one year to get anything published.” My youngest son was a senior in high school. Was I too old to …