By DiAnn Mills @DiAnnMills Writers spend hours, weeks, months, and sometimes years working on behind-the-scenes research in writing a novel. I’m no different. The story must be so real to the readers that they block the outside world and become the character. Research involves thoroughly understanding the protagonist and antagonist. This includes how they live, earn a living, and react/respond …
Staying Sensitive During the Holidays
By DiAnn Mills @DiAnnMills Most people speed through the holidays with excitement and enthusiasm. They enjoy the many gatherings alongside family and friends, while some people sink into a well of depression. They feel alone and abandoned. Staying sensitive to the needs of others enables us to bless those who are emotionally and physically suffering. A friend said it best, …
Listening—The Key to Navigating Life
By DiAnn Mills @DiAnnMills We’ve grown up hearing instructions to “listen,” and wisdom is woven into the word. As children, we were told to listen to our parents and others who were 1) wiser, 2) chose to protect us, and 3) had more life experience. As teens and adults, sage advice is always to listen. Learning and listening are companions, …
Don’t Use Skim Milk in God’s Recipe for Life
By DiAnn Mills @DiAnnMills In today’s world, many of us are constantly seeking shortcuts in various aspects of our lives. Whether it’s in our diets, our work, or our spiritual journeys, the appeal of the easy way out can be tempting. But when it comes to living a fulfilling and purposeful life, there are no substitutes for the real thing. …
After the Storm: Ways to Make a Difference in Hurricane Helene Recovery
By DiAnn Mills @DiAnnMills I’m taking a break from my normal blogging post topics to focus on how we can make a difference in Hurricane Helena Recovery. Thousands of victims were impacted from the high winds and flooding that not only took lives and property, but also continues to threaten people who need rescued. Food, water, and shelter, the necessities …
Navigating Unchartered Waters
DiAnn Mills @DiAnnMills Guest Post: Kristen Hogrefe Parnell @khogrefeparnell Recently, I enrolled my two-year-old in a two-week swim class. Another mom friend had warned me that her daughter screamed the entire first lesson, so I prepared myself for a similar reaction—but hoped my son would do better. He didn’t. He screamed most of the class until I finally sat next …
30 Ways to Celebrate September
DiAnn Mills @DiAnnMills I enjoy September. Nature takes a new paintbrush to the canvas of our lives in yellow, orange, green, and deep purple. With cooler temperatures and the autumn anticipation, why not celebrate every day with a sweet reminder? “That old September feeling, left over from school days, of summer passing, vacation nearly done, obligations gathering, books and football …
What’s the Best Part of Getting Older?
By DiAnn Mills @DiannMills Recently I posted on Facebook the question: What is the best part of getting older? Within two minutes of pressing post, I had comments. The responses were varied, and I giggled at many of them. Here’s the ranked list: Grandkids (This one was mentioned the most. In my opinion, there is a reason they are called …
Smiling Takes the Bite out of Stress
By DiAnn Mills @DiAnnMills This is not an article on ways remove stress from your life. Neither am I offering an instructional guide to eliminating stress by getting organized, exercising more, eating nutritionally sound, praying more, learning to say no, journaling your feelings, seeking counseling, taking prescription meds, or exploring the many ways to reduce stress. There are plenty of …
July 30—International Friendship Day
By DiAnnMills @DiAnnMills International Friendship Day is celebrated on July 30th. This is a special time to acknowledge and appreciate our friends around the globe. Those special people could live next door or across the Atlantic or Pacific Oceans. We are fortunate in today’s world to enjoy relationships from the screens of our electronic devices. No travel needed, only a …