By DiAnn Mills @DiAnnMills What does integrity mean to you? The dictionary offers several clues as to what the word means: moral, sound principles, honest, righteous, incorruptible, and the list goes on. Perhaps a few names came to mind, like many righteous people in the Bible, historical figures, a family member, a friend, or someone who highlights the news by …
Kick Your Fears to the Curb
By DiAnn Mills @DiAnnMills I’ve learned over the years the best way to eliminate fear is to remove it from my physical, mental, and spiritual world. An alliance with terror is no way to live. Spending time with fear is fiend-ship. Nothing good comes from teaming up with an enemy and falling captive to its paralyzing chains. So why indulge? …
Life Happens – and Sometimes It’s Funny
By DiAnn Mills @DiAnnMills Most of us wander through life and occasionally something humorous happens. The memory of the event brings a smile to our lips . . . maybe a giggle. One of those funny happenings met me recently on a flight from Houston to Greenville, North Carolina. The hour grew late when I boarded the plane, and I’d …
5 Keys to Navigating a Life Pause
DiAnn Mills @DiAnnMills Guest post: Candy Arrington @CandyArrington In this age of high-speed Internet, search engines, and cell phones, we have access to instant information at our fingertips, or by asking a voice-activated assistant like Alexa or Siri. Because we are so conditioned to immediacy, waiting has a negative connotation. From traffic snarls to drive-thru lines, we chafe at delays. …
5 Tips to Transition to a Healthier You
DiAnn Mills @DiAnnMills Guest Post by Susan U. Neal RN, MBA, MHS @SusanNealYoga When we decide to implement a healthier lifestyle, we need a spiritual plan to ensure success. We are complex beings with a body, mind, spirit, and soul. Sometimes food or beverages may be a stronghold we turn to instead of God to meet our needs. Therefore, these …
Fifteen Ways to Serve Others During the Pandemic
By DiAnn Mills @DiAnn Mills During the past year of the COVID pandemic, serving others has required innovative thinking. The challenge to assist those affected by illness, loss of a job, mental stress, family dysfunction, abandonment, and other tragedies doesn’t mean the person needs to suffer alone. If you are one who longs to serve others, but the restraints of …
7 Ways to Give a Gift of the Heart
By DiAnn Mills @DiAnnMills Christmas is a time of love and giving. We want our loved ones to have the perfect gift that they will remember and treasure. Unfortunately, we don’t always have the money needed to purchase what we think is the best item. But there are ways we can offer a token of our heart. Remember to practice …
When Fear Unnerves Us, Everyday God Makes Us Brave
By Janet Thompson @DiAnnMills Guest Post: Janet Thompson @AHWministries We’ve all experienced a time when we thought, or maybe said aloud and sincerely believed, There’s no way I can do this! Then we find ourselves doing what we thought was impossible. Bravery isn’t about succeeding or failing; it’s about not letting fear imprison you from trying. We tend to categorize …
Finding Soul Care Through Creative Expression
By Edie Melson @DiAnnMills This week’s blog post is by my dear friend and writer Edie Melson @EdieMelson I’ve been where you are—weary and ready for relief. Some months that seems to be a place where I live. I provided support for my mother while she cared for my father during the last years of his life. That meant hours …
Healing From Life’s Scratches
By Julie Garmon @DiAnnMills This week’s blog post is from Julie Garmon, a long-time friend and great writer. For months I pretended not to notice, but last week there was no denying it. As I vacuumed the den, the late afternoon sun poured through the windows, highlighting the scratches in our pine floors. Our floors had been through hard times. Life …
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