Does Our Writing Encourage Others?

By DiAnn Mills @DiAnnMills We writers thrive on our projects entering a theater of encouragement, an area in which readers react and respond to what we’ve written. And we hope positively. In the true sense of the word, a theater uses a stage to present a real or fictionalized event to those who crave an emotional experience. Thus, our characters …

Room to Breathe

DiAnn Mills @DiAnnMills Guest Post by Linda Lyle Do you ever find yourself going down the anxiety rabbit hole? Like many businesses, writing is a feast or famine. I am either waiting to hear back from editors, agents, and publishers, or I am overwhelmed by deadlines and details. Either way I feel anxious as I wonder how it will all …

Autumn Quotes to Refresh Our Hearts

By DiAnn Mills @DiAnnMills Special quotes use emotion and creativity to express how we feel. A twist of a phrase or a unique word speaks a fresh meaning into our lives and shape us to become better people with optimism and joy. The following quotes about autumn, harvest, and Thanksgiving fill me with fresh enthusiasm for the fall season. “I …

Has Your Daily Routine Become a Substitute for Jesus?

By DiAnn Mills @DiAnnMills Our lives can easily slip into a routine that substitutes Jesus-driven devotion for performance-driven actions. We don’t intend for worldly concerns to take our Lord’s place. Priorities hammer our schedules, and we slip into what others expect of us. We go through our quiet times and church activities as before, but our mindset changes. The transition …

Harvest of Hope Night 2023

By DiAnn Mills @DiAnnMills Melanie Dobson and I are thrilled to host an evening of harvest inspiration filled with fun, giveaways, and hope. We long to help you and your loved ones celebrate a blessed autumn season. Please join us online Tuesday, October 24, 2023, at 7:00 p.m. CST. You won’t be disappointed. Details below. Melanie and I will be …

Dear World, You Make Me So Uncomfortable – (Winners Announced!)

DiAnn Mills @DiAnnMills Guest Blogger: Lori Roeleveld @LoriRoeleveld Dear World, I have a confession to make. Many of you people make me uncomfortable. It’s true. But, I try hard to hide it for a million reasons. Reason one: I don’t see Jesus ever being uncomfortable – ever. Read the gospels. He walked through this world like He owned it. (Okay, He did, but …

Walking in Integrity

By DiAnn Mills @DiAnnMills What does integrity mean to you? The dictionary offers several clues as to what the word means: moral, sound principles, honest, righteous, incorruptible, and the list goes on. Perhaps a few names came to mind, like many righteous people in the Bible, historical figures, a family member, a friend, or someone who highlights the news by …

They Became Strong in Battle

DiAnn Mills @ DiAnnMills By Guest Blogger Debbie Wilson @DebbieWilson DiAnn Mills’ romantic suspense books always weave high-stakes drama with characters you cheer for. Did you know Bible stories do too? When I started writing on the men and women in Hebrews 11, I realized their stories were too rich to skim over in one book. As I considered the themes, …

The Wisdom of The Spider and the Fly

By DiAnn Mills @DiAnnMills A friend shared how his mother taught him as a child the way of good and evil, righteousness and sin through the poem The Spider and the Fly. I searched the public domain for this nearly 200-year-old writing. It’s fun, humorous, and touches us with its truth about humanity. The Spider and the Fly (1829) “Will you …

Kick Your Fears to the Curb

By DiAnn Mills @DiAnnMills I’ve learned over the years the best way to eliminate fear is to remove it from my physical, mental, and spiritual world. An alliance with terror is no way to live. Spending time with fear is fiend-ship. Nothing good comes from teaming up with an enemy and falling captive to its paralyzing chains. So why indulge? …