Ever Want to Strangle Your Co-Writer?

By DiAnn Mills @DiAnnMills When Grace was 8 1/2 years old, I asked what she wanted me to write her. She said, “I want us to write a story together.” That took me by surprise. “Do you have a story idea?” I said. “Yes. It’s about a little girl who finds a purple dragon egg, and she accidentally cracks it.” …

7 Mistakes That Make Every Writer Look Unprofessional

By DiAnn Mills @DiAnnMills Every writer wants to be viewed as professional, intelligent, and bestselling. These goals are honorable, worthy, and attainable. But when a writer consistently makes mistakes that label him/her unprofessional, credibility takes a nose dive as well. Examine the following mistakes. If you are a writer, changes may be on your horizon. 1.  Practicing poor grammar and …

What do Lions and Writing a Novel have in Common?

By DiAnn Mills @DiAnnMills Lions fascinate me. They represent nobility and respect, and their muscular bodies are to be admired and feared. No fat anywhere. Like I hope my stories resonate with readers. The more I thought about lions, the more I realized writing a novel has much in common with these animals. Here are my 10 comparisons. If you …

A Fiction Writer’s Hardest Task

By DiAnn Mills @DiAnnMills Last week a reader asked about my hardest task as a writer. I had to think before answering. I’m in the midst of line edits before turning in my next story, so I’m totally emerged in every word, goal, voice, gesture, motive, plot line, romance, suspense, symbol, character(s), emotion, dialogue, narrative, transition, spiritual impact, as well …

7 Ways to Give a Gift of the Heart

By DiAnn Mills @DiAnnMills Christmas is a time of love and giving. We want our loved ones to have the perfect gift, one they will treasure and remember. Unfortunately, we don’t always have the money needed to purchase what we think is the best item. But there are ways we can offer a token of our heart. The gift of …

Living With a Writer – From a Husband’s Point of View

By DiAnn Mills @DiAnnMills Curious about what it’s like to live with a writer? This week I decided to have my husband interviewed for his perspective. I admit waiting for his answers caused my heart to head into overdrive. How honest would he be? Would I have to eliminate him in my next novel? But his answers were fun to …