How Many Times Did I Use That Word?

By DiAnn Mills @DiAnnMills Confession time. I can use the same word too many times in a story. I call them pet words, and they can vary from one story to another. It seems my mind forgets the times I’ve already used the same word. Oh, the frustration when I discover the flaw. This leads me to explore editing tools …

A Fiction Writer’s Hardest Task

By DiAnn Mills @DiAnnMills Last week a reader asked about my hardest task as a writer. I had to think before answering. I’m in the midst of line edits before turning in my next story, so I’m totally emerged in every word, goal, voice, gesture, motive, plot line, romance, suspense, symbol, character(s), emotion, dialogue, narrative, transition, spiritual impact, as well …

DiAnn Teaching 6-Week Online Workshop On The Dance of Character and Plot

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DiAnn will be teaching a 6 week online workshop with Savvy Authors based on information she’s compiled in a book with the same name THE DANCE OF CHARACTER AND PLOT.  The workshop will begin 9-4-17 and conclude 10-15-17. To learn more and to register:  CLICK HERE Online Workshop Description: Rhythm, grace, and beauty describe a dance where two people move …