Finding Your Happy Spot

By DiAnn Mills @DiAnnMills We all need a happy spot to escape tension, stress, and conflict when life’s challenges threaten to steal our joy. Some people know where this place is and striving to return physically or mentally instills peace, happiness, and a sense of safety. Others of us aren’t sure. But we long to find the place where headaches …

12 Ways to Celebrate a Birthday

By DiAnn Mills @DiAnnMills As we grow older, we look for new ways to celebrate birthdays for family members, friends, and ourselves. A few weeks ago, I posted a question on Facebook about how my followers enjoyed their once-a-year day. I think you will enjoy some of the responses. The following ideas may give you unique ideas how to make …

What are You Afraid of?

Guy Gourley @DiAnnMills My guest blogger today is Guy Gourley, a good friend, and excellent writer. Recently, I was sitting with my writing coach, DiAnn Mills at a local Panera as she sipped on her third cup of black java. We were going over my novel, which has taken years to complete. No wonder she needed that much caffeine. Thankfully, …

How to Reach Out to Others During the Holidays

By DiAnn Mills @DiAnnMills We are speeding through the holidays, and while most of us enjoy getting together with family and friends, some people sink into a well of depression. They feel alone and abandoned. After a discussion about this sad reality, I decided to share a few of my friend’s and a professional’s ideas about how to help others …

How a Writer Faces Thanksgiving

By DiAnn Mills @DiAnnMills For some people, Thanksgiving is about the food. For others, Thanksgiving is about spending time with family and friends. Some can’t wait to finish the meal to tune into the football games. Some look forward to everything Thanksgiving. Then there are writers. Oh, we love the food, family, football, and friends, but what about the inevitable …

Finding Soul Care Through Creative Expression

By Edie Melson @DiAnnMills This week’s blog post is by my dear friend and writer Edie Melson @EdieMelson I’ve been where you are—weary and ready for relief. Some months that seems to be a place where I live. I provided support for my mother while she cared for my father during the last years of his life. That meant hours …

Are You Concerned About Your Social Skills?

By DiAnn Mills @DiAnnMills I’ve spent much of my time away from home this month. We visited family and friends in Ohio, which is always a treat. October has also been busy with the launch of Burden of Proof. Talking to readers about a new book, the writing process, and catching up or making new friends fills me with satisfaction. Sometimes …

How to Say No Graciously

By DiAnn Mills @DiAnnMills Many of us are asked to volunteer our time and talents for worthwhile causes. Moments in our lives when we can reach out with joy to help others. We’re excited and pave a way through our busy lives to make sure the task is done well. Occasionally though, an opportunity is presented where we don’t feel …