5 Keys to Navigating a Life Pause

DiAnn Mills @DiAnnMills

Guest post: Candy Arrington @CandyArrington

In this age of high-speed Internet, search engines, and cell phones, we have access to instant information at our fingertips, or by asking a voice-activated assistant like Alexa or Siri. Because we are so conditioned to immediacy, waiting has a negative connotation. From traffic snarls to drive-thru lines, we chafe at delays.

Waiting is something most of us don’t do well, so when we unexpectedly encounter a life pause, gaining perspective is crucial. Perhaps your pause involves a medical diagnosis, a job loss, the sudden death of a loved one, a prodigal, or detailed plans sidelined for reasons beyond your control.

Following are five keys to help navigate life pauses:


Most of us expect immediacy and quickly grow impatient when that is not the case. Patience is a quality that must be cultivated and practiced. Fostering patience involves relinquishing control of plans and schedules and accepting that God’s time frame is rarely ours.


Prayer is a gift and a privilege, but sometimes we reserve prayer only for times of crisis.  Don’t wait until your life is halted by a time of waiting to pray. Schedule time daily for quiet contemplation and prayer. Allow prayer to be more than a list of requests. Confess. Listen. Express thanks. Praise. Prayer is one of the most valuable, yet underutilized, implements in our spiritual toolbelts.


Some have the mistaken idea that praise is contingent on happiness. Scripture provides a different perspective. God is worthy of our praise even when we are awaiting medical test results, longing for a family member to address addiction, navigating infertility, or wishing for difficult circumstances to change. Praise allows you to focus on God instead of the challenges in your life and turn anxiety into hope.


Often, a life pause skews our perspective. Focus narrows to what we feel we are missing and the uncertainty of what lies ahead. Gaining perspective involves remembering your history with God and his faithfulness. We view in snapshots, while God sees and orchestrates our full life picture.


Is it possible to experience peace in the midst of uncertainty? Yes, if you acknowledge you are not in control, trust God’s time frame, and rest in the assurance that His plans for your life, including seasons of waiting, are for your benefit.

Waiting is never easy, but by employing patience, prayer, praise, perspective, and peace, we can successfully navigate life pauses.



Candy Arrington is a writer, blogger, and speaker. Her writing often focuses on tough topics with practical methods for moving through difficult life circumstances. Candy has written hundreds of articles, stories, and devotionals, and authored three books, including Life on Pause: Learning to Wait Well (Bold Vision Books).

Although she might not always wait patiently, Candy understands the challenges inherent in navigating life pauses and seeks to help others learn to wait well.


Thanks Candy for being our guest today and sharing insights on how best to wait.