Highways, Speed Bumps, and Traffic Lights

By DiAnn Mills @DiAnnMills Tweet this: Highways, Speed Bumps, and Traffic Lights Writers seldom become successful and create a marketable book—overnight. At least that wasn’t my experience. The victories and triumphs are waylaid with rejection slips, disappointments, and  lots of rewrites. But when the first sale was made, I knew it was worth every drop of sweat and tears. My …

5 Ways to Enjoy Thanksgiving!

Tweetable: 5 Ways to Enjoy Thanksgiving! via @DiAnnMills http://bit.ly/1PV0PEZ #WritersLife #Thanksgiving (Click to Tweet) This is the month when family and friends gather together to enjoy each other in sweet conversation and share in an incredible feast—roasted turkey and dressing, mashed potatoes swimming in gravy, crisp colorful salads, yummy vegetables, rolls oozing with real butter, and mounds of desserts. Make sure …

Chocolate Chip Cookies!

Tweetable: Chocolate Chip Cookies! via @DiAnnMills http://bit.ly/1KBewBK #WritersLife #NationalCookieMonth (Click to Tweet) October is National Cookie Month! Baking is one of my passions, especially delectable cookies. How could I pass up an opportunity to whip up an All-American Favorite with a twist? Cookie baking is really easy, and I have a few rules that always means good results. My recipe is …