By DiAnn Mills @DiAnnMills How far are you willing to extend yourself to achieve a goal? Are you aware of the sacrifices that partner with the rewards of working hard to reach a dream? Do you ever wonder if you’re all alone in your pursuit of satisfaction? Has anyone ever posed those questions to you? If not, let me give …
Short Story: Grandpa—A Retired PI
By DiAnn Mills @DiAnnMills And now for something different: In the fast-paced world of Houston, a retired private investigator named Larry is ready to welcome his grandson, Greer, for the summer. But their reunion quickly turns into a high-stakes adventure when Larry discovers Greer’s life may be in danger due to his mother’s dangerous choices. As Larry reconnects with his past …
BookBub – A Reader’s and a Writer’s Best Book Friend
By DiAnn Mills @DiAnnMills BookBub invites readers and writers to a party where both indulge in the joy of books. Readers look for recommendations in their favorite genre, and writers not only encourage the reader to explore their books but recommend other writers’ books. It’s like playing pin-the-tail on your favorite read. Everyone wins. Reader-Focused Features Find your favorite author …
Stress – The Truth Not a Myth!
By DiAnn Mills @DiAnnMills Most of us have preconceived ideas about stress. Some of our conclusions are valid, and others are myths. Let’s look at what stress is according to professionals, what stress isn’t, and how we can protect ourselves from debilitating damage to our bodies. I once believed that stress got blamed for all the medical problems that it …
What’s Springing Up in the Kitchen?
By DiAnn Mills @DiAnnMills Spring has a way of motivating us into creating something new and beautiful. For me it’s weed-free flowerbeds and new colorful flowers and plants, clean closets and cabinets, or ensuring every spot of dust has vanished from my house. But this week, spring has nudged me into the kitchen. It’s the time of year when new …
Healthy Living Habits for Today
By DiAnn Mills @DiAnnMills Healthy habits for today begins with a positive attitude toward diet and exercise. Just because we are getting older doesn’t mean we sit in a rocking chair and wait for life to end. There’s too much of life to explore! We seize each moment with sound nutrition and an active lifestyle that keeps our minds and …
Are You Ready to Create a Spiritual Legacy Part II
By DiAnn Mills @DiAnnMills Last week we began a discussion on the why and how to leave a spiritual legacy for our children and grandchildren. This week, we will continue the discussion. I hope many of you started working on yours! Spirituality takes time, effort, and discipline in God’s Word: giving, sharing, being Jesus to all we meet. Leaving a …
Are You Ready to Create a Spiritual Legacy Part I
By DiAnn Mills @DiAnnMills Children and grandchildren—We love them, treasure them, remember the special times, and laugh over their antics. I watched my grandchildren take on unique personalities and sensed a need to leave more behind than an image of me as their Mimi, photos, the books I’d written, or the many hours of being with them. Although quality time …
Journal for Writing Creativity
By DiAnn Mills @DiAnnMills Some people have journaled since they received their first notebook or diary. They entered information daily, weekly, or whenever the whim urged them to complete an empty page. Some of them used a lock to prevent others from reading their inner thoughts, while others hid their recollections where no one could find them. Many people today …
Transparent or Needy?
By DiAnn Mills @DiAnnMills We often hear the best way to communicate is to be transparent. Yet many people hesitate to use ihe ability for fear of being labeled needy. What is the difference between transparent and needy, and how do we apply transparency to our lives? Transparent in written or oral communication means that we are allowing others to …