Shoving our characters into action sometimes takes a stick of dynamite. Or discovering what motivates them into pursuing a worthy goal. When a character yawns and claims, I’m not interested, we writers haven’t done our job. Before you reach for the matches to light that stick of dynamite, let’s talk about what we can do before page one to create …
The Moods of Color by DiAnn Mills
Writers choose specific colors for their characters that indicate their personalities and emotions. Colors establish mood, affecting the actions and reactions of those who experience them. Consider the following colors and explanations to see where you fit with your color choices. Red is a vibrant color that causes strong emotions. From warm and comforting to anger and hostility. Red can …
Reducing the Flab by DiAnn Mills
Ever read something you wrote one year ago, six months ago, or yesterday and cringe at the writing? Everything from word choice, descriptions, characters, plotting, and setting screamed back at you. I bet you even checked to make sure you actually wrote the piece. That was because we are always changing, growing, and learning the craft. Our job as writers …
Expect an Adventure by DiAnn Mills
Writing is a tough profession. The competition in today’s publishing world makes the strongest writers think twice about their commitment to excellence. But those of us who are lured by the magnificence of story are committed to creating a world where our readers slip into the shoes of our characters and are whisked away to an amazing thrill filled with …
Hooks, Lines and Sinkers by DiAnn Mills
I bet you’re thinking this article is about fishing. Well it is, and it isn’t. We all have favorite novels, rich stories that send us back into a setting where the characters are real-and even become our friends. We’re right there with them, sharing their joys and sorrows, weaknesses and strengths. But how were we ushered into their lives? By …