Are You Cut Out to Write a Novel?

By DiAnn Mills @DiAnnMills We’ve all wondered if we’re cut out to write a novel. We experience an unusual or exciting event and ask ourselves, “Could I write a story about this?” Sometimes we dwell on it for days, weeks, months, and even years, still asking ourselves the same question. Why not take a novelist writing quiz to see if …

Creating Powerful Fiction in the 21st Century @ Helen Hall Library

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DiAnn will be teaching on creating powerful fiction in the 21st century all day at Helen Hall Library in League City, TX, Saturday, May 12th starting at 10:30 a.m. Presentations on Writing Fiction to include: 10:30 – 11:30 – Characterization and Backstory – The Muscle of Motivation and Plot 11:30 – 12:15 – Creating Lightning Emotion and Symbolism 12:20 – …

How Cooking Makes Me a Better Writer

By DiAnn Mills @DiAnnMills I love to cook and bake. It’s relaxing, satisfying, and hopefully the results are tasty. I’ve discovered my passion for writing has a lot in common with food prep. In fact, cooking makes me a better writer. Look at the following, and I think you’ll understand what I mean. Decide on a recipe Just like I …

DiAnn Teaching 6-Week Online Workshop On The Dance of Character and Plot

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DiAnn will be teaching a 6 week online workshop with Savvy Authors based on information she’s compiled in a book with the same name THE DANCE OF CHARACTER AND PLOT.  The workshop will begin 9-4-17 and conclude 10-15-17. To learn more and to register:  CLICK HERE Online Workshop Description: Rhythm, grace, and beauty describe a dance where two people move …

The Reader Adventure

Tweetable – Latest From DiAnn’s Desk – The Reader Adventure – via @DiAnnMills #WritersLife (Click to Tweet) Writing is a tough profession. The competition in today’s publishing world makes the strongest writers think twice about their commitment to excellence. But those of us who are lured by the magnificence of story are committed to creating a world where our readers slip into …

The Moods of Color by DiAnn Mills

Writers choose specific colors for their characters that indicate their personalities and emotions. Colors establish mood, affecting the actions and reactions of those who experience them. Consider the following colors and explanations to see where you fit with your color choices. Red is a vibrant color that causes strong emotions. From warm and comforting to anger and hostility. Red can …

Expect an Adventure by DiAnn Mills

Writing is a tough profession. The competition in today’s publishing world makes the strongest writers think twice about their commitment to excellence. But those of us who are lured by the magnificence of story are committed to creating a world where our readers slip into the shoes of our characters and are whisked away to an amazing thrill filled with …