10 Ways a Road Trip Improves Our Health

By DiAnn Mills @DiAnnMills Two weeks ago, my husband and I packed the car for a four-night, five-day road trip. We needed a getaway for mental, physical, emotional, and spiritual reasons. While we covered miles exploring new sights, sounds, and adventures, we relaxed. From Houston to Oklahoma to the Texas Panhandle, we strengthened our relationship, laughed, and shared our hopes …

10 Things Your Best Friend Won’t Tell You – But Should

By DiAnn Mills @DiAnnMills A true best friend is a rare and cherished person. Whether you are a man or woman, this person will share concern and not judge. Heart-to-heart talks are based on respect and sincerity. Many of you have spouses who are your best friend. You are so fortunate! Others look to sisters, brothers, cousins, mothers, dads, and …

Authenticity—A Crack or a Patch in Our Personal Character?

By DiAnn Mills @DiAnnMills Are you authentic? Are you without a doubt genuine, reliable, trustworthy, and dependable? No cracks in your plaster? Known for your honesty? Faithful? Real? We’d all like to check the “yes” box for all those noble traits, but sometimes living up to authenticity isn’t easy. Through experience, we acquire the characteristics that earn us respect and …

When You Don’t See Any Growth

By Katy Kauffman @DiAnnMills This week’s blog is a guest post by Katy Kauffman The poor little maple started as a “weed” in my front flower beds. Instead of casting aside the tiny bright green tree, I planted her in the backyard. Yes, it’s a she, since we named her “Scarlet,” hoping one day she would showcase gorgeous red leaves …

Tips to Add Balance to Social Media

By DiAnn Mills @DiAnnMills We’ve all experienced the occurrence of “alone together.” It’s a reference to social media users: a crowd of people busy with their devices and ignoring those around them. Social media is a valuable connection and communication tool designed to link people all over the world. Imagine the impact we can have on other people’s lives for …

Honoring the Women Who Shaped Our Lives

By DiAnn Mills @DiAnnMills Last week, we lost a remarkable and talented woman, Barbara Bush. She was the wife of President George H. W. Bush and mother of President George W. Bush. That says a lot about her special traits without mentioning a single other attribute. We’ve all been touched by her dynamic personality. Of all Barbara Bush’s many accomplishments, …

Healing From Life’s Scratches

By Julie Garmon @DiAnnMills This week’s blog post is from Julie Garmon, a long-time friend and great writer. For months I pretended not to notice, but last week there was no denying it. As I vacuumed the den, the late afternoon sun poured through the windows, highlighting the scratches in our pine floors. Our floors had been through hard times. Life …