By DiAnn Mills @DiAnnMills I’m always looking for a solid TV show, one that entertains while I’m learning from the writers. This blog is totally from my perspective as a writer. Solid entertainment in a TV show must have the following: Three dimensional characters. Inner and outer landscape problems – even if it takes several weeks or the whole series …
Writers Who Deliver a Powerful Story
By DiAnn Mills @DiAnnMills Reading excellent novels invites me into a story world where I lose track of time. I meet new characters who have a compelling story, dive into unique personalities, and share an adventure with them. I admire how they solve problems and face life. In short, I’m a picky reader. A book has to grab me in …
Dear Reader, It IS about You – Giveaway
By DiAnn Mills @DiAnnMills I love sending you a short blog each week. It’s my friend-time, a chance to show you how much I appreciate your support. My goal is to vary the blog topics so you’ll be entertained, inspired, and encouraged, much like when I create a story. This blog is for you, and with that foremost in mind, …
How Christopher Columbus Faced His Fears Plus Giveaway!
By DiAnn Mills @DiAnnMills We all have something that frightens us. Our list of fears is endless—heights, flying, public speaking, the dark, snakes, spiders, falling, doctors, germs, and the list goes on. Today is Columbus Day, and I wonder what Christopher Columbus might have been afraid of. Here are six things that I doubt he feared because history shows us …
Tis the Season to Cook and Bake
By DiAnn Mills @DiAnnMills Although the temperature highs here in Houston haven’t dipped below 85, I have my home decorated in colorful fall reminders. Perhaps the gold and orange will usher in cooler temps. I also have my list of favorite recipes and new ones to try out on my husband before presenting them to guests. Whether it’s a breakfast item, …
Learning From the Past
By DiAnn Mills @DiAnnMills Have you ever searched through old family memorabilia and found a spark of excitement? While looking through old photographs and yellowed letters, I discovered how my husband’s deceased aunt made her lifelong dream come true. Aunt Marj’s goal was to have a consignment shop of unique handmade gift items. She never stopped thinking about it, and …
Frumpy to Fabulous – In 5 Easy Steps
By DiAnn Mills @DiAnnMills A change in seasons means we gals are putting our summer clothes away and bringing out the fall. This is my favorite time of year because I’m a fall person. The colors of burnt orange, green, deep blues, golds, and browns are my go-tos. When I have questions about the latest styles and what is truly …
How to Home Roast Coffee Beans
By DiAnn Mills @DiAnnMills Those of you who know me are aware of my fondness for coffee. My bio even states I’m a coffee snob. Actually, just like some of you have a favorite recipe for triple layer chocolate cake or yeast rolls or delicious soup, I’m particular about my coffee. This weekend, I roasted some of my favorite beans …
Adding Fun to Careers
By DiAnn Mills @DiAnnMills Last week, the American Christian Fiction Writers National Conference hit the Nashville, Tennessee scene. Catching up with old friends and making new ones is always a plus. The speaking and teaching took writers to a deeper level of understanding the craft and the God who gave who purposed us to write. Some of the presenters were: …
Preserve Your Summer Memories
By DiAnn Mills @DiAnnMills August is fading from the calendar. The weather here in Houston is hot and humid. Most schools in our area are in session. The Summer Olympics are over for another four years. The US packed away the medals! Retailers feature fall and winter clothing. Deadly Encounter was a new book release. Football fans are scheduling tailgate …