The Point of Purpose & Legacy

DiAnn Mills @DiAnnMills A Guest Blog Post from Eva Marie Everson – Eva Marie Everson Recently, my husband and I took a trip to the beach . . . a three-day getaway forty-five minutes from home. We needed time to breathe. To not worry about laundry and cooking and work and life. We wanted to walk the beach as often as …

The Blue Ridge Reader Connections

DiAnn Mills @DiAnnMills A Guest Blog Post from Debb Hackett @Debb_Hackett Early into my radio career, the station staff would gather for weekly prayers in the conference room. After my shyness at being the newbie ran out, I mustered the courage to ask my boss what all the books were that decorated the window ledges in haphazard piles. You see, they’d …

12 Things I Wish I’d Known About Writing Fiction

By DiAnn Mills @DiAnnMills I started writing seriously in 1996, and over the years I’ve learned the hard way a few truths about creating fiction—and a lot about myself. I wouldn’t change any of the life lessons. But perhaps these 12 discoveries of what I wish I’d known back then will help you understand a writer’s life. Research doesn’t mean …

Never Too Late to Fulfill a Dream

By DiAnn Mills @DiAnnMills Guest blogger: Debra DuPree Williams @DDuPreeWilliams Do you ever wonder why you are in a particular place at any given moment in time? If you’re like me, you call these events God-incidences, not coincidences. Nothing happens by chance. My writing journey began a bit over seven years ago when my sister asked if I’d seen the …

High School Student Wins Flash Fiction Competition!

DiAnn Mills @DiAnnMills While teaching a creative writing class to a group of high school students, I challenged them to write a flash fiction story. Sam won the competition. Sam is a junior at Colonel Crawford High School in Ohio. After graduation, she plans to study forensics and hopeful for a career in that field. She is active in National …

5 Ways To Choose a Writing Project

By DiAnn Mills @DiAnnMills Writers have a plethora of writing project ideas from which to choose. Life is full of words and scenarios that refuse to let us go—overheard conversations, history, local and worldwide events, movies, and other publications. Even when we dream, we are filling our imagination with ways to form our words into sentences, paragraphs, pages, and books. …

Truth and Fiction

By DiAnn Mills @DiAnn Mills I believe fiction can be a vehicle to communicate truth. From the moment I sensed a call to write, I understood my focus would be using story. This isn’t an original concept. Jesus spoke in parables and is known for deepening spiritual principles through the power of story. When disciples asked Him why, I have …

Whodunit – Discovering the Antagonist

By DiAnn Mills @DiAnnMills A reader asked me how I discover the antagonist when I write a story. The short answer is: discovering the bad guy or guys is as much a surprise to me as the characters and the reader. For those of you who know me … and my OCD with organization, discipline, and schedules, the thought of …

The Reindeer Apprentice by DiAnn Mills

By DiAnn Mills @DiAnnMills This week concludes a series of weekly blog posts featuring 1 of 6 Christmas short-story ebooks I’ve written. I am posting one each week as a free download for my readers on Pinterest. I’m hopeful one or more of these will be just the ticket to get you in the holiday giving spirit. This 6th and …