DiAnn Mills @DiAnnMills Guest Post by Linda Lyle Do you ever find yourself going down the anxiety rabbit hole? Like many businesses, writing is a feast or famine. I am either waiting to hear back from editors, agents, and publishers, or I am overwhelmed by deadlines and details. Either way I feel anxious as I wonder how it will all …
Finding the Perfect Novel Title
By DiAnn Mills @DiAnnMills It’s been said that “a book’s title is its most important marketing strategy.” I shouldn’t be surprised when I consider how long it takes me to create a title for a book. I keep a file of titles, and still I end up in a dilemma. My purpose is to think of my title as a …
Life Happens – and Sometimes It’s Funny
By DiAnn Mills @DiAnnMills Most of us wander through life and occasionally something humorous happens. The memory of the event brings a smile to our lips . . . maybe a giggle. One of those funny happenings met me recently on a flight from Houston to Greenville, North Carolina. The hour grew late when I boarded the plane, and I’d …
Unexpected Blessings
By DiAnn Mills @DiAnnMills Guest Post: Janice Cantore My favorite definition of hope is “A confident expectation of future blessings.” When I moved to Hawaii a little over four years ago, I didn’t know what to expect. It was a big move, and I knew that a lot of things could go wrong. It’s never easy for me to make …
How to Rekindle the Passion for a Writing Project
By DiAnn Mills @DiAnnMills Writers must have passion for their writing projects or no one else will. No getting around it. But what happens when we are no longer excited about our book, blog, article, poem, screenplay, or other types of writing? How do we overcome the lack of interest? A few of life’s happenings can contribute to our disillusion. …
Exploring A Writer’s Imagination
By DiAnn Mills @DiAnnMills Fiction writers use their imaginations to transport readers into an adventure. Imagination and creativity are not the same tools, but they work together. Imagination propels creativity by connecting what our mind sees with how best to show it to readers: an inner landscape is used to develop the outer landscape. For example, a writer imagines a …
When a Writing Critique Slashes the Heart
By DiAnn Mills @DiAnnMills We writers are a passionate, emotional group. While these traits help us create beautifully worded fiction and non-fiction, nothing slashes the heart deeper than a harsh critique of our work. We might catch ourselves reading a harsh critique and thinking: “Even an idiot would get this.” “What? You’ve got to be kidding?” “Obviously, my style doesn’t …
Cooking Up a Story
By DiAnn Mills @DiAnnMills I like to cook and bake almost as much as I love writing. Spending time in the kitchen is relaxing, satisfying, and hopefully the results are tasty. I’ve discovered my passion for writing has a lot in common with food prep. Cooking makes me a better writer. Look at the following comparisons; I think you’ll understand …
History of the Royal Game of Ur
By DiAnn Mills @DiAnnMills I heard about the Royal Game of UR while watching an educational film about ancient Mesopotamia. Curiosity got the best of me, and my husband paused the program to search online for more information. The Royal Game of Ur is a board game dating back 4,000 years ago. That’s a long time to keep a game …
November 1 – National Author’s Day – Winner Announced
By DiAnn Mills @DiAnnMills Today is National Author’s Day, and whether you are a reader, writer, or both, it’s a good reason to show an author that you care. Books thrill, inform, inspire, educate, entertain, show us new cultures, and how people lived in historical eras. We can do none of this unless we have authors who will learn how …