By DiAnn Mills @DiAnnMills “And you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.” John 8:32 ESV Several years ago, I traveled to Juba, Southern Sudan to research a series of books. During my time there, I stayed at an Episcopalian Compound. Instead of a tent by the Nile River, I opted for a closet-size room as my temporary …
Research – Adding Reality to a Story
By DiAnn Mills @DiAnnMills Writing and research go hand in hand for a credible story. If a manuscript isn’t accurate, the reader will recognize the flaw and toss the book aside. If a writer is spot-on, the extra work rewards them with outstanding reviews and more readers. Sort of a no-brainer for us writers. How do we conduct our research …
Expect an Adventure by DiAnn Mills
Writing is a tough profession. The competition in today’s publishing world makes the strongest writers think twice about their commitment to excellence. But those of us who are lured by the magnificence of story are committed to creating a world where our readers slip into the shoes of our characters and are whisked away to an amazing thrill filled with …