How to Keep the Christmas Spirit

By DiAnn Mills @DiAnnMills ‘Tis the Christmas season, and with all the hustle and bustle, we sometimes lose our Christmas spirit. When moments of irritation and frustration threaten your joy, look at these ten ways to bring hope back into your Christmas. Change your music selections to Christmas carols. As you sing along to the familiar classics, think about the …

The Meaning of Family

DiAnn Mills @ DiAnnMills Guest Blogger: Deborah Sprinkler @DebbieSprinkle About two months ago, I asked a simple question: How do you define family? The answers proved to be complicated. One reply summed up the difficulty in finding a definition. She wrote, “We have the family we are born into, the family we chose, and the family we join.” Is one …

Are You a Survivor?

By DiAnn Mills @DiAnnMills A survivor is someone who has lived through a tragic event. Survivors aren’t only those who lived while others died; sometimes resurfacing after enduring physical, emotional, or spiritual turmoil also makes us a survivor. Using the acronym for SURVIVOR, we can look at a few qualities needed to walk through fire and endure the heat. S …

4 Strategies for Overcoming Life’s Obstacles

By DiAnn Mills @diannmills Guest Post by Kristen Hogrefe Parnell @KHogrefeParnell When my now-husband James and I were dating, he helped me purchase my first mountain bike. I knew he loved off-road biking and that this investment would give us hours of quality time together. Going on three years now, I’ve been riding my Cannondale with him, and he’s been …

What Does Courage Really Mean?

By DiAnn Mills @DiAnnMills ANNOUNCEMENT – Please help me congratulate Debb from the U.K. who was randomly selected from last week’s Help For 2021 Blog Posts.  Thanks to everyone that participated. I’ve captured everyone’s ideas and will review your suggestions for upcoming topics. What Does Courage Really Mean? For 2021, I prayerfully chose the word Courage. This means, I will attempt …

Quotes and Scripture for 2021

By DiAnn Mills @DiAnnMills The New Year causes us to take a deep breath, learn from history, and move forward with strength and courage. Quotes and Scripture often give us a push to reach out as brave and optimistic inhabitants of earth. One or more of the 15 words to live by below could help you journey through the days …