By DiAnn Mills @DiAnnMills I write romantic suspense, and I read the same genre. But the adventures of fiction reading transport me into other genres too. Since the New Year, I’ve discovered amazing new novels, some written by writers who always deliver a powerful story with outstanding characters and other discoveries from new writers who are new to me. Promoting …
Writing – A Sacred Adventure
By DiAnn Mills @DiAnnMills Writers travel a sacred adventure—a journey of the soul fueled by the opportunity to touch the lives of countless people. We have been given a treasured gift, the gift of writing. Writing is not an easy journey, but it’s one filled with holiness. Writing is a path each writer takes alone, but in the stillness, we …
20 Reasons to Read Fiction
By DiAnn Mills @DiAnnMills Has anyone ever said to you that reading fiction is a waste of time, money, and brain matter? That’s hogwash! Yes, I’m passionate about fiction, and here’s why! To enjoy an entertaining adventure for readers. To learn about the world and people in an unthreatening environment. To be encouraged in our own lives by characters overcoming …
GIVEAWAYS To Celebrate Release of TRACE OF DOUBT by DiAnn Mills
By DiAnn Mills @DiAnnMills An exciting day has arrived! To celebrate TRACE OF DOUBT’s recent release, I’m hosting a giveaway opportunity for readers! There are multiple opportunities to win some great prizes. Total retail value of prizes exceeds $300! Share this with your reader friends so they can join in on the fun 🙂 TWO RANDOMLY SELECTED WINNERS WILL EACH …
Release Day For TRACE OF DOUBT!
By DiAnn Mills @DiAnnMills I am excited to share with you my latest novel TRACE OF DOUBT available today in hardcover, softcover, audiobook, & ebook! My standalone romantic suspense novel is a heart-stopping story of dark secrets, desperate enemies, and dangerous lies following an ex-con who is on a mission to discover the truth behind her conviction fifteen years …
Calling All Book Clubs – Free Books To Selected Winner!
By DiAnn Mills @DiAnnMills ATTN: Book Clubs / Libraries I love book clubs! I would enjoy hosting your reading group via Zoom. Q&A time is often a favorite as readers get to probe my brain with all their burning questions 😉 To celebrate next week’s release of TRACE OF DOUBT, I am thrilled to annouce I’ll be giving away up …
April 27 – National Tell a Story Day
By DiAnn Mills @DiAnnMills Tuesday, April 27 is National Tell a Story Day. Listeners, readers, and writers share a bond—we love a wonderful story. For centuries we’ve been thrilled with character and plot in a world that is often different from our own. Our imaginations explode when stories come to life. Stories help us see a reflection of ourselves. Since …
Expect an Adventure with God Devotional
By DiAnn Mills @DiAnnMills What do we expect in an adventure with God? I like the idea of fun, laughter, peace, good health, and simply no worries. While those times are blessings, we also have moments in our lives when we need to take a deep breath and focus on God. Challenges may be painful but they can also strengthen …
The Boy Who Cried Christmas
DiAnn Mills @DiAnnMills Guest Post by Dennis Bailey @DennisBailey Hello, I’m Dennis Bailey and I’m the author of The Boy Who Cried Christmas. I’d like to thank DiAnn for inviting me to be a guest on her blog and for giving me this opportunity to spotlight my latest Christmas novel. It’s the story of a skeptical young boy swept back …
Celebrating America’s National Parks
By DiAnn Mills @DiAnnMills I can’t think of a better way to celebrate nature and wildlife than to experience one of our 61 national parks. Millions of acres spread across 29 states and 2 territories. Sounds like great vacation spots to me. Summer may be nearing a close for rich growth. Yet imagine many of these parks in vibrant fall …