@DiAnnMills A Guest Blog by Janet Thompson I grew up in Southern California where, with few seasonal exceptions, the weather was consistent year round—sunny and beautiful. Sunny and hot with morning fog near the beach in summer. Sunny and warm with occasional Santana winds in the fall. Sunny with a few storms, rain, and overcast days in the winter, when …
How is a Christian Novel Different?
By DiAnn Mills @DiAnnMills Many of you read my novels that are published by a Christian publisher. I’m often asked how my novels are different from a general market book, and my response is always the same: Novels are about strong characters who have a problem to solve. It’s all about character. But there’s more. A Christian novel is a …
Read! Add Power to Your Life
By DiAnn Mills @DiAnnMills People who reads add power to their lives. With all of numerous techy ways to entertain ourselves, why do leaders and successful people spend hours reading fiction, nonfiction, articles, and blog posts? How does reading add power to our lives? Gain Knowledge The more we learn about people and the world, the wiser we become. When …
13 Characteristics of a Heroine
By DiAnn Mills @DiAnnMills I’m writing the second novel in a new series titled FBI – Rapid Response Series, and my heroine is a tough gal. While working on her characteristics, I discovered strengths and challenges. Her strong points are designed to help her journey through difficult situations. Some of her weaknesses will become victory points as she learns how …
How Cooking Makes Me a Better Writer
By DiAnn Mills @DiAnnMills I love to cook and bake. It’s relaxing, satisfying, and hopefully the results are tasty. I’ve discovered my passion for writing has a lot in common with food prep. In fact, cooking makes me a better writer. Look at the following, and I think you’ll understand what I mean. Decide on a recipe Just like I …
Dispensers of Love
By DiAnn Mills @DiAnnMills Dispensers of love come from all walks of life. Hurricane Harvey dumped 50 inches of rain on the millions of people of the Gulf Coast. Reports as of this writing state the devastation has impacted approximately 145,000 homes and an estimated 60 people have lost their lives. While driving just beyond my neighborhood, the mounds of …
Houston, We Have a Problem
By DiAnn Mills @DiAnnMills Houston and most of the Texas Gulf Coast has a problem, and it’s called Harvey. On Friday night, the category 4 storm slammed into Port Aransas and Port O’Connor, Texas. According to the National Hurricane Center, Harvey brought winds of 130 mph. Here’s how it looked, courtesy of NOAA/NASA, when it was approaching. At the time …
7 Ways To Stomp out Perfectionism and Embrace Acceptance
By DiAnn Mills @DiAnnMills A perfectionist is seldom satisfied with her performance, and she’s rarely pleased with other’s accomplishments either. Some say it’s the way the person is wired, or how the person was raised, educated, and a host of other reasons, which are really excuses for an attempt to step out of the human DNA. None of us are …
Spreading the Word about Fav Books
By DiAnn Mills @DiAnnMills As readers, many of us finish a novel or nonfiction book and post a review on Amazon, Barnes and Noble, CBD, Goodreads, LifeWay, Mardel, etc. In addition to reviews, many of us post our opinions about a title on social media platforms such as Facebook, Instagram or Twitter. Still others choose word of mouth to recommend …
Swapping Snake Stories
By DiAnn Mills @DiAnnMills Last week, I was a guest at a book club of a special group of ladies who read my books and encourage me. These ladies are grandmothers and great grandmothers, full of life and dear friends. If you suffer from Ophidiophobia, read no further. As a kickoff to the evening, one of the ladies prepared a …