Tweetable – Latest From DiAnn’s Desk Interview with Double Cross Hero – via @DiAnnMills #DoubleCrossBook (Click to Tweet) Interview with HPD Officer Daniel Hilton Today we’re interviewing Houston Police Officer Daniel Hilton, hero in Double Cross by DiAnn Mills on the Jimmy Fallon Show. Jimmy Fallon: So tell me, Daniel, how does it feel to be a leading man in a romantic …
Interview with Double Cross Heroine
Tweetable – Latest From DiAnn’s Desk Interview with Double Cross Heroine – via @DiAnnMills #DoubleCrossBook (Click to Tweet) Interview with FBI Special Agent Laurel Evertson from Double Cross Laurel, tell me the most interesting thing about you. Many people think I’m this contemporary gal with no roots in the past when actually I love bits and pieces of nostalgia. My apartment is …
Strong Women, Unlikely Roles
Tweetable – Latest From DiAnn’s Desk Strong Women, Unlikely Roles – via @DiAnnMills #writerslife (Click to Tweet) Women who accept nontraditional roles and succeed with dynamic outcomes are the heroines in my novels. These are Glock-totin‘ gals with southern charm who understand grits aren’t just for breakfast. These women embrace their femininity with an added boost–they aren’t afraid to go after the …
DOUBLE CROSS Earns 4 Stars From Romantic Times
Excited to share that Romantic TImes gave DOUBLE CROSS 4 stars in their recent review. “Mills’ latest delves into the themes of family and forgiveness. For the romantic suspense fan, there is plenty of action and twists present. For the inspirational reader, the faith elements fit nicely into the context of the story. One interesting aspect is the way Mills …
Daydream Believer
Those of you who grew up in the 60s remember Davy Jones and The Monkees sang this tune. John Stewart wrote it, and in December 1967, “Daydream Believer” hit the coveted number one spot on American charts. You can read the words and listen to the song here: I’m a believer in daydreams. I think it’s a prerequisite to …
Hearts and Flowers, Oh My!
How is it I can write a novel, but I can’t figure out how to wow my sweet husband on Valentine’s Day? The day of hearts, flowers, chocolate candy, romantic songs, and valentines with sweet messages is upon us. Some of you jump in with creativity and thoughtfulness guaranteed to make young and old feel loved. Others struggle to select …
FIREWALL earns spot on FamilyFiction’s Top Ten Novels of 2014!
Thanks to you, FIREWALL has earned a spot on FamilyFiction’s Top Ten Novels of 2014 list! I’m thrilled to be among such wonderful novels and amazing writers. A huge congratulations to all the writers. Dear readers, thank you so much for nominating FIREWALL. You are the reason we create stories. Click HERE to see the entire list.
Welcome to DiAnn’s Desk
Have you ever wondered about the life of a writer from a reader’s perspective? Are we eccentric? Bizarre? Exist on coffee? Always thinking story? Have no clue about math concepts? Then this is the place for you to see the world through my eyes as I share both the humorous and the serious side of me—the writer, the wife, mother, …
FIREWALL Winner In Library Journal’s Best Books 2014: Genre Fiction
FIREWALL was announced a winner in Library Journal‘s Best Books 2014: Genre Fiction for Christian Fiction. Christian Fiction is one of eight categories representing 2014’s Best Genre Fiction, each of which includes the top five titles from 2014, as chosen by Library Journal’s columnists. Click HERE to read more.
Holiday Newsletter
Click here to view DiAnn’s Holiday Newsletter.