Tough or Hard—The Choice is Yours

By Curt Iles @curtiles Thanks to guest blogger Curt Iles for a powerful life lesson. In front of me are three objects: a hammer, a brick, and a flat piece of leather. They make for a wonderful lesson we all can learn from. It’s amazing observing folks as they go through difficult times. Periods of trial, adversity, and sadness distill …

Finding Soul Care Through Creative Expression

By Edie Melson @DiAnnMills This week’s blog post is by my dear friend and writer Edie Melson @EdieMelson I’ve been where you are—weary and ready for relief. Some months that seems to be a place where I live. I provided support for my mother while she cared for my father during the last years of his life. That meant hours …

When You Don’t See Any Growth

By Katy Kauffman @DiAnnMills This week’s blog is a guest post by Katy Kauffman The poor little maple started as a “weed” in my front flower beds. Instead of casting aside the tiny bright green tree, I planted her in the backyard. Yes, it’s a she, since we named her “Scarlet,” hoping one day she would showcase gorgeous red leaves …