February is National Library Month

By DiAnn Mills @DiAnnMills I’ve always loved libraries. From the time I was a little girl, the excitement of stepping into a room with shelves and shelves of books ranked at the top of my source of entertainment. I was a shy and overweight child, and books were my closest companions. When I finished selecting what I wanted to read, …

Favorite Christian Contemporary Songs of 2016

By DiAnn Mills @DiAnnMills I’m sharing my top ten with you and the artists’ YouTube websites. In looking back at 2016, I always turned up the radio on these contemporary, Christian songs. In alphabetical order: “Breathe” by Johnny Diaz http://bit.ly/2i76IpG “Broken Together” by Casting Crowns http://bit.ly/2jaXzJR “Come as You Are” by Crowder http://bit.ly/2iX4mco “God Is On The Move” by 7eventh …

Staying Healthy During the Holidays

By DiAnn Mills @DiAnnMills From the Harvest Festival candy corn to Thanksgiving mashed potatoes and pies, to Christmas cookies, and New Years goodies, we are planning and racing from one spectacular event to the next. Work loads and family responsibilities don’t change, we just slide the holiday activities in. The hurried pace can make us cranky. Lack of sleep gives …

Favorite TV Shows from a Writer’s Perspective

By DiAnn Mills @DiAnnMills I’m always looking for a solid TV show, one that entertains while I’m learning from the writers. This blog is totally from my perspective as a writer. Solid entertainment in a TV show must have the following: Three dimensional characters. Inner and outer landscape problems – even if it takes several weeks or the whole series …

Writers Who Deliver a Powerful Story

By DiAnn Mills @DiAnnMills Reading excellent novels invites me into a story world where I lose track of time. I meet new characters who have a compelling story, dive into unique personalities, and share an adventure with them. I admire how they solve problems and face life. In short, I’m a picky reader. A book has to grab me in …

Frumpy to Fabulous – In 5 Easy Steps

By DiAnn Mills @DiAnnMills A change in seasons means we gals are putting our summer clothes away and bringing out the fall. This is my favorite time of year because I’m a fall person. The colors of burnt orange, green, deep blues, golds, and browns are my go-tos. When I have questions about the latest styles and what is truly …

How to Home Roast Coffee Beans

By DiAnn Mills @DiAnnMills Those of you who know me are aware of my fondness for coffee. My bio even states I’m a coffee snob. Actually, just like some of you have a favorite recipe for triple layer chocolate cake or yeast rolls or delicious soup, I’m particular about my coffee. This weekend, I roasted some of my favorite beans …