By DiAnn Mills @DiAnnMills What would you give your family if you won the lottery? Let’s dream a little about winning a huge amount of money. Do we really know our family? While our aspirations sound noble and unselfish, our intentions may have the potential to reach comedic or nightmarish proportions. My suspense writer’s imagination has just exploded onto the …
The Gift of Grandparenting
By DiAnn Mills @DiAnnMills The privilege of grandparenting is a gift from God. Children who benefit from our unconditional love are knit in the core of our hearts and souls. We may have difficulty expressing the emotions in words, but our actions show the extraordinary link. One reason God established the family is to teach us love, sacrifice, and the …
July 28 – National Milk Chocolate Day
By DiAnn Mills @DiAnnMills Today is National Milk Chocolate Day, that sweet, fat-laden, delicious treat that we learned to love as kids. I’m not talking about dark chocolate or the healthy varieties that provide a percentage of the real thing. I’m referring to what many of us eat behind closed doors where no one monitors the amount of comfort food …
Never Too Late to Fulfill a Dream
By DiAnn Mills @DiAnnMills Guest blogger: Debra DuPree Williams @DDuPreeWilliams Do you ever wonder why you are in a particular place at any given moment in time? If you’re like me, you call these events God-incidences, not coincidences. Nothing happens by chance. My writing journey began a bit over seven years ago when my sister asked if I’d seen the …
Summer Recipes – Easy and Yummy
By DiAnn Mills @DiAnnMills Summer heat means we want easy recipes that keep us out of a hot kitchen. I’m always looking for something yummy, and this week I want to share a few taste treats with you. Baba Ghanouj or Ganoush (Roast Eggplant Puree) This eggplant delicacy is light, nutritious, high on flavor, and incredibly good. Source: The Food …
How to Face-Down a Bear
By DiAnn Mills @DiAnnMills Today’s Guest Blog Post Written by Curt Iles @CurtIles I’ve got hiking fever. It strikes me several times a year and I find my heart, if not my feet, on a trail in Arkansas or the Appalachian Mountains. In both of these hiking locales, encountering black bears does occur. I want to share a few good …
3 Lessons Learned from a Road Trip
By DiAnn Mills @DiAnnMills A few weeks ago, my husband announced we should take a road trip … and he wanted to leave in three days. We aren’t spontaneous, but obviously that trait played no factor in our enthusiasm. Perhaps it was the country moving slowly away from strict guidelines for COVID 19 that spurred our trip What I do …
What Does the Rhythm of Life Mean to You?
By DiAnn Mills @DiAnnMills I’m pleased to announce the winner of my recent random drawing giveaway. Congratulations to June from NJ who will receive an ebook of WHERE TOMORROW LEADS and a Wolferman Gift Basket! I’ve read many definitions of what the rhythm of life means. For some, it’s how we handle the ebb and flow of our life’s journey, …
The Dark Side of a Journey
DiAnnMills @DiAnnMills Today’s Guest Blog Post is written by Brandon Guindon @BrandonGuindon I write this letter to you after being on the other side of a great yet difficult journey. I write after sitting on the southern facing side of a mountain where the sun shines best. This letter comes from someone that navigated the treacherous path of deep hurt, …
Today’s Book Launch Helps Transform Lives In South Sudan
By DiAnn Mills @DiAnnMills Last week I introduced you to my June 9th eBook release WHERE TOMORROW LEADS, Book 2 of my Hope for Sudan series where three people from separate cultures continue their life journeys in southern Sudan. Today’s post shares my continued passion for the Sudanese people and a bit more about the story. Illiteracy remains rampant, and …