Coffee – The Overflowing Cup

Tweetable – Latest From DiAnn’s Desk – Coffee – The Overflowing Cup via @DiAnnMills #WritersLife (Click to Tweet)   If there’s such an organization called CSA, Coffee Snobs Anonymous, then I’m a prime candidate. Nothing beats a superb cup of dark roast coffee. No cream. No sugar. Just good fresh roasted brew. My interest occurred began at the age of twelve when …

How Do You Climb Mountains?

Tweetable – Latest From DiAnn’s Desk – How Do You Climb Mountains? via @DiAnnMills #WritersLife (Click to Tweet)   There are three types of mountain climbers: gazers, hikers, and movers. Be brave and pick out the one that fits your personality from the description below.   Mountain gazers are overwhelmed. Mountain hikers may one day reach the top. Mountain movers simply move …

The Moods of Color

Tweetable – Latest From DiAnn’s Desk – The Moods of Color via @DiAnnMills #WritersLife (Click to Tweet)   The Moods of Color In writing my novels, I chose specific colors for my hero and heroine that indicate their personalities and emotions. Colors establish mood, affecting the actions and reactions of those who experience them. Consider the following colors and explanations to see …

A Taste of Double Cross

Tweetable – Latest From DiAnn’s Desk – A Taste of Double Cross via @DiAnnMills #DoubleCrossBook (Click to Tweet)   For readers who haven’t read DOUBLE CROSS, Book 2 in the FBI: Houston series, here’s the prologue!   PROLOGUE Special Agent Laurel Evertson had done everything required of her and more to gain Morton Wilmington’s affections. The gaudy diamond on her left hand …

A Funny Thing Happened

Tweetable – Latest From DiAnn’s Desk – A Funny Thing Happened via @DiAnnMills #WritersLife (Click to Tweet) A Funny Thing Happened on the Way … Recently I attended the Write To Publish Conference in Wheaton, Illinois as part of the faculty. My job was to teach a continuing class on The Dance of Character and Plot. Fun! The idea of meeting up …

The Life I’m Living

Tweetable – Latest From DiAnn’s Desk – The Life I’m Living via @DiAnnMills #WritersLife (Click to Tweet)   The Life I’m Living and the Life I’m Observing I’m a lot like you. Average in so many ways. I’m a wife, mother, grandmother, sister, daughter, neighbor, friend … and writer. Perhaps the last descriptor is what makes me different from most people. Yet …

You Know You’re a Suspense Writer When …

Tweetable – Latest From DiAnn’s Desk – You Know You’re a Suspense Writer When … via @DiAnnMills #WritersLife (Click to Tweet) You Know You’re a Suspense Writer When … I love this topic. When suspense writers get together, discussing stories and plot twists keeps our adrenaline racing. We can talk about suspense for hours because we live it. Our friends and families …