People, Pickles, Places, and Productions

Tweetable – Latest From DiAnn’s Desk – People, Pickles, Places, and Productions via @DiAnnMills #WritersLife (Click to Tweet)


New York City is high energy, filled with plenty to see and do no matter what the visitor’s preference or budget. My husband and I stayed near Times Square. I loved every minute of it, and so did he.

The people are unique from every culture and race. I heard so many different languages, and quite opposite to all I’d been told, New Yorkers are friendly. Smiles and laughter are universal.

NYC Times Square

NYC Times Square

Delis are a New York treat. The food’s fresh and yummy, from mile-high sandwiches to exquisite desserts. Husband could find his favorite meat, cheese, and bread combo while I selected veggie delights. Of course we shared the sweet treats. All the delis served crisp, mouth watering pickles. I’d have been happy with a pickle sandwich!

Cranberry Cafe

Cranberry Cafe

We took many walks, exploring parks, shopping, and just plain people watching. I recommend a brunch at Rockefeller Center and a stroll through Bryant Park—relaxing and incredibly romantic.

Rockefeller Center

The older buildings fascinated me. These spoke of time, experience, and change. St. Patrick’s Cathedral is a magnificent structure; its steeple reaches up to the heavens as though beckoning us to enter and worship.

St. Patrick's Cathedral

St. Patrick’s Cathedral Manhattan

Take a look at the Empire State Building. What a view!


Empire State Building




Drinking a Starbucks in Times Square

Drinking a Starbucks in Times Square

 A Starbucks on every block.


I went nuts at the M & M store.

Who wouldn't want an orange M&M pillow?

Who wouldn’t want an orange M&M pillow?

For the avid shopper, Macy’s has eleven floors and the upper ones still use the original escalator. Simply eye candy. But I was good! I didn’t buy a thing. Oops, I did indulge in a chocolate chip coffee.
Broadway sparkles with entertainment, which means their productions. We had a difficult time figuring out which musicals to see, but we settled on Aladdin, Finding Neverland, and The Lion King. The amazing part of experiencing a Broadway Musical is the actors and actresses interact with the audience. They love us as much as we love their songs, dances, costumes, and extraordinary acting.

Wouldn’t you want a genie like this?


Looking for a exciting getaway? Check out New York, and don’t forget the museums!


What’s been your most exciting vacation spot thus far?


Tweetable – Latest From DiAnn’s Desk – People, Pickles, Places, and Productions via @DiAnnMills #WritersLife (Click to Tweet)