Highways, Speed Bumps, and Traffic Lights

By DiAnn Mills @DiAnnMills Tweet this: Highways, Speed Bumps, and Traffic Lights Writers seldom become successful and create a marketable book—overnight. At least that wasn’t my experience. The victories and triumphs are waylaid with rejection slips, disappointments, and  lots of rewrites. But when the first sale was made, I knew it was worth every drop of sweat and tears. My …

Welcome to Groundhog’s Day!

By DiAnn Mills @DiAnnMills Tweet this: Welcome to Groundhog’s Day! Today is Groundhog’s Day. This is the one day of the year when the groundhog has notoriety. He’s famous in cartoon, legends, children’s stories, weather predictions, and just plain fun. This little furry creature is onstage before he crawls out of his cozy, underground burrow. Photographers and reporters are waiting …