In Case You Invite Me to Dinner

Tweetable – Latest From DiAnn’s Desk – In Case You Invite Me to Dinner – via @DiAnnMills #WritersLife (Click to Tweet) I look forward to the times I’m able to cook or bake. Varied recipes appeal to my creativity, whether the food is an appetizer, main course, or dessert. Busying myself in the kitchen is also a different venue for my hyperactive …

Exciting Opportunity

Tweetable – Latest From DiAnn’s Desk – Exciting #DoubleCrossBook #GiveAway Opportunity via @DiAnnMills (Click to Tweet) Hey, readers! I don’t know about you but coffee is this readers best friend. Especially when I’m up late finishing rewrites or turning the last page of that MUST READ novel. So excited to share a chance for you to win BIG, coffee lovers! Let the …

DOUBLE CROSS Earns 4 Stars From Romantic Times

Excited to share that Romantic TImes gave DOUBLE CROSS 4 stars in their recent review. “Mills’ latest delves into the themes of family and forgiveness. For the romantic suspense fan, there is plenty of action and twists present. For the inspirational reader, the faith elements fit nicely into the context of the story. One interesting aspect is the way Mills …