Interview with Double Cross Heroine

Tweetable – Latest From DiAnn’s Desk Interview with Double Cross Heroine – via @DiAnnMills #DoubleCrossBook (Click to Tweet) Interview with FBI Special Agent Laurel Evertson from Double Cross Laurel, tell me the most interesting thing about you. Many people think I’m this contemporary gal with no roots in the past when actually I love bits and pieces of nostalgia. My apartment is …

DOUBLE CROSS Earns 4 Stars From Romantic Times

Excited to share that Romantic TImes gave DOUBLE CROSS 4 stars in their recent review. “Mills’ latest delves into the themes of family and forgiveness. For the romantic suspense fan, there is plenty of action and twists present. For the inspirational reader, the faith elements fit nicely into the context of the story. One interesting aspect is the way Mills …

Motivating Magic by DiAnn Mills

Shoving our characters into action sometimes takes a stick of dynamite. Or discovering what motivates them into pursuing a worthy goal. When a character yawns and claims, I’m not interested, we writers haven’t done our job. Before you reach for the matches to light that stick of dynamite, let’s talk about what we can do before page one to create …

Hooks, Lines and Sinkers by DiAnn Mills

I bet you’re thinking this article is about fishing. Well it is, and it isn’t. We all have favorite novels, rich stories that send us back into a setting where the characters are real-and even become our friends. We’re right there with them, sharing their joys and sorrows, weaknesses and strengths. But how were we ushered into their lives? By …