Are You a Vertical Writer?

By DiAnn Mills @DiAnnMills

We writers are in the business of learning the craft, using our imaginations, writing, editing, rewriting, and the process repeats. That’s horizontal writing. We’re depending on people and earth’s resources to help us reach our publishing dreams and goals. While we prayerfully consider wise counsel and seek knowledge, too often we forget that we are called to live vertical lives. Our heads are bent over the keyboard instead of lifted up in communication with God.

We made an incredible choice by moving forward on God’s will for our lives and accepting our calling to write.
  • We crave God’s guidance.
  • We value the importance of prayer.
  • We praise Him as the great Creator.
  • We engage others in His saving grace.
  • But too often we forget to write vertically.
Here are 5 ways a vertical writer can reach up to communicate with God and better communicate the written word.
  1. Develop a mission statement that puts God first. We seek Him first thing in the morning before we place our fingers on the keyboard.
  2. Understand writing is a calling, not to be worshiped. We have one God who gave us a special gift. Take the gift away, and do you still have a relationship with God?
  3. Love others above ourselves. Sometimes we writers have to humble ourselves and love the reader who hates our work, the agent or editor who gives tough feedback, or the publishing industry that prefers a different style.
  4. Guard our faith. The pressures of money and fame are tempting. God is our #1 target Audience, our perfect Reader, and our best Cheerleader.
  5. Reserve time in our busy lives to consult and listen to God’s voice.

When we consider our God is with us and wants the best for us, vertical writing is the only way to embrace our calling.

Are you a vertical writer?