By DiAnn Mills @DiAnnMills You can Win! I love story. It’s been my passion since before I could hold a pencil. Maybe you’ve thought about writing for a long time but just couldn’t get started. Yet communicating through the written word will not leave you alone. This is your opportunity to get started now. All you need to do is …
Once Upon a Time
By DiAnn Mills @DiAnnMills Tweet this: Once Upon a Time It wasn’t a dark and stormy night. Thunder didn’t rumble, and lightning didn’t streak across the sky. In fact, it was a summer day in Houston—99+ and the pool felt wonderful. My grandchildren and I were laughing, splashing, and enjoying Popsicles. “Mimi, will we always be able to swim in …
Work Hard and Then Play Hard
By DiAnn Mills @DiAnnMills Tweet this: Work Hard Play Hard Last week, I was on faculty at the Blue Ridge Mountain Christian Writers Conference at Ridgecrest, North Carolina. A beautiful conference center nestled in the Smoky Mountains. We had over 400 conferees. Wow! Lots of learning for fiction and nonfiction writers, taught by multi-published writers who are valued in the …
Memorial Day – A Time of Remembrance
By DiAnn Mills @DiAnnMills Tweet this: Memorial Day – A Time of Remembrance Memorial Day didn’t originate as a family time of picnics, parades, and good times. I wanted to share with you a snippet of history and provide a few ideas how you and your loved ones can commemorate the day. The remembrance of those who’d died in service …
Great Graduation Gifts
By DiAnn Mills @DiAnnMills Tweet this: Great Graduation Gifts It’s that time of the year when high school and college seniors are taking steps into the future with graduation ceremonies. We want to honor them, but what gift ideas are meaningful and practical? We want a fun and useful gift, something different and exciting. But what? When I received graduation …
Strong Women, Strong Roles
by DiAnn Mills @DiAnnMills Tweet This: Strong Women, Strong Roles Readers often ask how I choose my heroines. My goal is to create women who accept nontraditional roles and succeed with dynamic outcomes. These are Glock-totin‘ gals with southern charm who understand grits aren’t just for breakfast. These women embrace their femininity with an added boost—they aren’t afraid to go …
Celebrating Writer Milestones
By DiAnn Mills @DiAnnMills Tweet this: Celebrating Writer Milestones Every writer has her own definition of achievements, and most of us celebrate success in different ways. I posed two questions to some of my author buddies. Loved their responses and I think you will too. What is a writing milestone for you and how do you celebrate? Lynette Eason – …
Stepping Out of Our Comfort Zone
By DiAnn Mills @DiAnnMills Tweet this: Stepping Out of Our Comfort Zone Last week Houston experienced the worst flooding since 2001. With the torrential storms and downpours that brought 16 to 20 inches of rain came tornadoes. My neighborhood, friends, and church family were impacted, but we were fine. The devastation that hit the community was measured by the number …
Fun Ways to Celebrate Mother’s Day
By DiAnn Mills @DiAnnMills Tweet this: Fun Ways to Celebrate Mother’s Day May 8, Mother’s Day, will soon be here. I’m issuing you a challenge. This year plan a celebration your mother or the woman you honor as mother never forgets. Today’s blog will give you a few ideas to make this momentous occasion truly special. Generation Celebration Invite the …
5 Things We Want to Hear When We’re Down
By DiAnn Mills @DiAnnMills Tweet this: 5 Things We Want to Hear When We’re Down When we’ve been slammed with bad news or rude comments, our first instinct is to either cry, run, or punch someone in the nose. Too many times the situation heads us toward depression. Not fun. Being down is like finding yourself at the bottom of …