BookBub – A Reader’s and a Writer’s Best Book Friend

By DiAnn Mills @DiAnnMills BookBub invites readers and writers to a party where both indulge in the joy of books. Readers look for recommendations in their favorite genre, and writers not only encourage the reader to explore their books but recommend other writers’ books. It’s like playing pin-the-tail on your favorite read. Everyone wins. Reader-Focused Features Find your favorite author …

Journal for Writing Creativity

By DiAnn Mills @DiAnnMills Some people have journaled since they received their first notebook or diary. They entered information daily, weekly, or whenever the whim urged them to complete an empty page. Some of them used a lock to prevent others from reading their inner thoughts, while others hid their recollections where no one could find them. Many people today …

How Publishing a Book is Like a Wedding

By DiAnn Mills @DiAnnMills While reading a wedding invitation, my thoughts took a journey of comparing the writer’s road to releasing a new book like planning a wedding. The project brought a few giggles and a few sobering analogies. Read the following 7 likenesses of publishing a book to a wedding. Note the #7 is the number of completion. The …

DiAnn Teaching @ Inspirational Writers Alive-Central Houston

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DiAnn’s excited to join the Inspirational Writers Alive Central Houston group for their 2024 Workshop Day that will be on Saturday, May 4, 2024. Teaching time 8:30 – 12:15 (3-hour long workshop with breaks & Q&A at end) “How to Launch Your Book in 2024″ Every great book deserves a successful book launch. A writer’s goal is to place well-written …

DiAnn Teaches @ Faith, Hope & Love Christian Writers Virtual Conference

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I’m excited to be teaching a workshop during the 2024 Faith, Hope & Love Christian Writers Virtual Conference that will be held on Saturday, April 13th. My workshop is in the Marketing category on the topic of Creating a Powerful Book Launch: A writer’s goal is to place a well-written book into the hands and hearts of readers. Entering the …

Writing to Provide Answers

DiAnn Mills @DiAnnMills Guest Post: Leilani Squires “I think I want to be a writer,” teenager me said to one of my heroes. “Do you have any advice?” Jill Briscoe paused between bites of brunch. “Learn as many styles of writing as you can,” she said, looking me in the eyes. “Then, no matter what kind of genre is of …

Does Our Writing Encourage Others?

By DiAnn Mills @DiAnnMills We writers thrive on our projects entering a theater of encouragement, an area in which readers react and respond to what we’ve written. And we hope positively. In the true sense of the word, a theater uses a stage to present a real or fictionalized event to those who crave an emotional experience. Thus, our characters …

Finding the Perfect Novel Title

By DiAnn Mills @DiAnnMills It’s been said that “a book’s title is its most important marketing strategy.” I shouldn’t be surprised when I consider how long it takes me to create a title for a book. I keep a file of titles, and still I end up in a dilemma. My purpose is to think of my title as a …