How Publishing a Book is Like a Wedding

By DiAnn Mills @DiAnnMills

While reading a wedding invitation, my thoughts took a journey of comparing the writer’s road to releasing a new book like planning a wedding. The project brought a few giggles and a few sobering analogies.

Read the following 7 likenesses of publishing a book to a wedding. Note the #7 is the number of completion.

  1. The event begins with an invitation.

Invitations can be verbal or written, the “come join in the celebration.” The editor offers a verbal contract/invitation and follows up with a legal contract to purchase the manuscript either directly with the author or through an agent.

  1. Bride

I look at the writer as the bride. She wants to show her best. The story or nonfiction book must be laced with a must-read title and topic. Content, theme, format, grammar, punctuation, and literary techniques according to genre blend to present a perfect, orchestrated manuscript.  The writer looks forward to the cover and excitement of a new book release.

  1. Groom

The groom is the editor. That person is excited about a new acquisition and filled with anticipation to share the manuscript with readers. The editor weaves the writer’s brand with the publishing house’s guidelines and produces a book overflowing with integrity.

  1. Pastor/Priest

I look at the publisher as officiating the ceremony. For the writer and editor to present a quality book to readers, the editorial staff, marketing, promotion, and sales team establish a schedule for a timely event.

  1. Ceremony

The ceremony is the time allotted for the editing, production, marketing, and promotion of the book. Each department is specialized and pledges a vow to promise the work, the love, and the commitment from all parties are in place.

  1. Guests

Guests are readers! They’ve waited eagerly for this event to happen. All those connected to the book are working hard to present a wonderful release. The guests’ experience is paramount to the success of the book.

  1. The Reception

The event has happened, and everyone is celebrating. Highly acclaimed reviews are paving the way for the next book and the next.

The comparison of the writing process and a wedding shows the hard work involved in preparing and presenting a new book to readers.

Do you have other ways that a writer and a wedding share similarities?