Sneak Peek at Upcoming Novel: AIRBORNE

By DiAnn Mills @DiAnnMills First of all, a big THANK YOU to everyone who provided feedback and ideas in last week’s blog post comments. You are appreciated! Congratulations also to Frances from Canada who was randomly chosen from the entries and won a $35 e-gift card! CLICK HERE for a PDF preview sampler of my upcoming Fall 2020 release AIRBORNE. …

Romantic Suspense A-Team Valentine Giveaway!

By DiAnn Mills @DiAnnMills I’m super excited to announce the Romantic Suspense A-Team—Janice Cantore, Lynette Eason, DiAnn Mills, and Dani Pettrey. The four of us have teamed up and invite you to join our private Facebook Group of best-selling, award-winning romantic suspense authors for book-talk, prizes, and fun. Our goal is to encourage readers to comment and pose questions about …

What Aspects of a Romantic Suspense Novel Thrill You?

By DiAnn Mills @DiAnnMills During Lone Star Literary’s book blog tour for Fatal Strike, I learned a lot about what readers prefer in a romantic suspense novel. The responses can help me weave what reader preferences into my stories. The following 16 responses interested me, and I wanted to share them with you. Good character development The edge of the …

FATAL STRIKE by DiAnn Mills Giveaway!

By DiAnn Mills @DiAnnMills An exciting day has arrived! To celebrate FATAL STRIKE’s official release, we’re having giveaway for multiple prizes with an approximate retail value over $350! TAKE A LOOK AT THESE FANTASTIC PRIZES !!! Keurig and personalized hardcover of FATAL STRIKE FBI lunch kit with Texas-shaped chocolate and personalized hardcover of FATAL STRIKE Two FBI Mugs, two FBI …

Sneak Peak into LONG WALK HOME – Upcoming ebook Release

By DiAnn Mills @DiAnnMills In today’s blog, I want to share about my upcoming June 4th ebook release LONG WALK HOME. Long Walk Home is a snapshot of how three people from separate cultures faced the realities of life in southern Sudan. I shed many tears in the writing process, and I imagine you may too as you read it. …

Burden of Proof Giveaway!

By DiAnn Mills @DiAnnMills An exciting day has arrived! To celebrate BURDEN OF PROOF’s official release, I’m announcing a random drawing for multiple giveaway prizes! To enter DiAnn’s Burden of Proof Book Launch Giveaway: 1) simply sign-up to receive my weekly e-newsletter here, or note in the comments below if you are already a subscriber, and 2) share this post …

Burden of Proof – Character Insights

By DiAnn Mills @DiAnnMills Readers often ask me how I develop my characters and where I find ideas to create plot. It’s always a challenge. BURDEN OF PROOF, an October 9th romantic suspense release, is no exception. Characters must be unique, likeable, realistic, and unforgettable. In this week’s blog post, I share via video insights for my hero, Jason Snyder, …

Murder By The Book Hosts Texas Authors DiAnn Mills and Lindsay Emory

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Murder By The Book is hosting Texas Authors DiAnn Mills & Lindsay Emory on Saturday, October 13th at 4:30 p.m. DiAnn’s excited to sign and discuss her new release Burden of Proof. Lindsay Emory will be featuring her book, The Royal Runaway. In addition, they will jointly present a workshop for both writers and readers. Details for a random drawing …

High Treason Giveaway!

By DiAnn Mills @DiAnnMills Watch DiAnn as she shares about her latest release High Treason here: REMINDER! Join DiAnn LIVE on her Facebook personal profile page on Tuesday evening, February 6th at 7pm Central and learn details on how you could win one of the following gift cards: $25.00 Starbucks Gift Card $25.00 Amazon Gift Card DiAnn will launch her new …