Writers Who Deliver a Powerful Story

By DiAnn Mills @DiAnnMills

Reading excellent novels invites me into a story world where I lose track of time. I meet new characters who have a compelling story, dive into unique personalities, and share an adventure with them. I admire how they solve problems and face life. In short, I’m a picky reader. A book has to grab me in the first sentence and then on to the first paragraph or I’m finished.

Outstanding novels also inspire me to be a better writer.

The writers who impress me with their creativity and storytelling abilities always teach and inspire me with their skills. When I’m in the middle of one of my own romantic suspense novels, I want to be reading a favorite writer whose work challenges me to deepen my own craft.

So who are the writers who entertain me?

Joel C. Rosenberg
Rosenberg’s highly researched contemporary novels brings the uncertain realities of the world to life with highly developed characters and plots that keep me up all night.

Steven James
Steven is a friend, a fabulous writing teacher, outstanding speaker, and the creator of dynamic novels. I read his books because I enjoy the way he spins story.

David Baldacci
Baldacci’s novels take the reader into plots and twists that I’d never imagined. Always a thrilling ride.

Harlan Coben
Coben’s mystery and thriller novels offer the reader masterful plotting and well-defined characters.

Other writers who deliver great stories:

Who are some of your favorite fiction writers?

DiAnn Mills



We had such a huge response from last week’s blog – Dear Reader, It IS About You. Thank you all so very much for your suggestions and comments. I now have plenty of blog material for many weeks.
We decided two winners will enjoy a $30.00 Amazon Gift Card.  Congratulations Mindy & Joanne!

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