Embracing Risk

By DiAnn Mills @DiAnnMills

Some people embrace risk like the rest of us breathe. Others will take a risk only if the stakes are high—a business deal, protecting innocent people, or a worthy cause. Both types understand the situation can invite danger and an unpredictable outcome. In this article, I’d like to discuss self-confident heroes and heroines who are risk takers.

These people accept the consequences of their actions to make life better for themselves or others. Who are these people, and what qualifies them to boldly step into a situation where the outcome might not be good?

In writing suspense fiction for over two decades, I have my ideas and descriptions of men and women who embrace risk. Below are 15 traits that appeal to me. My characters will not have all of these characteristics, but they will have more than one.

  1. Motivated by a cause bigger than themselves.
  2. Prepared to sharpen existing skills or learn new ones to succeed.
  3. Able to make decisions.
  4. Armed with compassion and empathy for others.
  5. Subscribe to an adventurous spirit.
  6. Believe in God who created all things, even if their relationship with Him is flawed.
  7. Courageous and bold when the occasion calls for it.
  8. Learns from their mistakes.
  9. Plan their actions but are not afraid of spontaneity.
  10. Accepts responsibility for their actions.
  11. Confident once he/she accepts a challenge.
  12. Practices mental and physical strategies.
  13. Committed to making sacrifices for a noble or worthy cause, even of themselves.
  14. Faces adversity with mental toughness.
  15. Willing to stand alone if necessary.

Your turn. What kind of traits do you envision for a hero or heroine who embraces risk?