By DiAnn Mills @DiAnnMills
I started writing seriously in 1996, and over the years I’ve learned the hard way a few truths about creating fiction—and a lot about myself. I wouldn’t change any of the life lessons. But perhaps these 12 discoveries of what I wish I’d known back then will help you understand a writer’s life.
- Research doesn’t mean a jaunt to the library or speeding across the internet. It means doing everything possible to walk in your character’s shoes. Even the uncomfortable things.
- Characters are merely talking heads on a blank piece of paper until they crawl into my soul and start speaking to me.
- Journeying into a character’s life means accumulating every piece of physical, mental, and spiritual knowledge that motivates the character into realistic and unpredictable action.
- Emotional pain knocks at the writer’s heart and bleeds onto the written page through the victories and challenges of a character’s life.
- Readers don’t want to read about my characters; they want to be the character.
- A perceptive writer understands all the weirdoes in her family are a compilation of herself and outstanding story fodder.
- A savvy writer knows that cutting the flab in their manuscript adds muscle and reduces the fat.
- A writer’s tools are his words—add to them daily, keep their usage sharp, memorize their meanings, and learn to spell them like a first place winner in a spelling bee.
- I hope to one day know the difference between lie and lay or sit and set. Until then, my characters will rest and stand.
- Some critics are like boo birds that sit on their lofty power lines and drop their critiques on those beneath.
- Success is a hundred pages without an adverb.
- If I don’t change and grow into a better person at the end of each novel, then I can’t expect the character or the reader to change and grow. In reality, I’ve failed.