Don’t Use Skim Milk in God’s Recipe for Life

By DiAnn Mills @DiAnnMills

In today’s world, many of us are constantly seeking shortcuts in various aspects of our lives. Whether it’s in our diets, our work, or our spiritual journeys, the appeal of the easy way out can be tempting. But when it comes to living a fulfilling and purposeful life, there are no substitutes for the real thing. Just like we wouldn’t want to use skim milk in a savory flavorful recipe, we shouldn’t skimp on the godly ingredients that truly nourish our soul.

I understand that not everyone can enjoy dairy. For those who are lactose intolerant, think of this analogy in terms of your favorite milk alternatives—like almond milk, oat milk, or soy milk. The principle remains the same: opting for the full-fat versions of these alternatives can represent embracing the richness and depth of a full life, while the lighter versions might symbolize taking shortcuts.

How can we avoid shortcuts for a rich, full life with God?

Embrace the Whole Experience

Think about the taste difference between whole milk which provides a richer, creamier taste than skim milk. Our mouths water! Imagine embracing the entirety of life’s experiences—both the good and the challenging—to create a fuller, more satisfying journey. By facing obstacles and overcoming hardships, we grow and deepen our faith.

Don’t Settle for Less

In our “take the shortcut” view of life, we often settle for less than what we truly need. Skim milk might seem like a healthier choice because it has less fat, but it also lacks the richness and nutrients of whole milk. Similarly, in our spiritual lives, we shouldn’t settle for superficial practices. Dive deep into prayer, study the scriptures, and engage in meaningful community to experience the fullness of God’s love. Experience the richness of your God-time without an eye on the time.

Nourish Your Spirit 

Whole milk is packed with essential nutrients that our bodies need, just as a robust spiritual life provides the sustenance our souls crave. Regular worship, fellowship with other believers, Bible study, and acts of volunteer service are vital to a spiritually nourishing life.

Authenticity Over Convenience 

In a world that often skips over authenticity, remember that true fulfillment comes from being genuine and wholehearted in our pursuits. Just as you wouldn’t want to bake a cake with skim milk and miss out on its full flavor, we don’t want to shortchange our relationship with God by taking the easiest path to spiritual growth. Experiencing and processing pain instead of ignoring it makes for stronger spiritual growth.

Pursue Patience and Persistence 

Good things take time. We get distracted—Satan’s best tool for pulling us away from God—We long to create a rich, delicious dish. But it requires patience and attention to detail, and so does pursuing a deep and meaningful relationship with God. Don’t rush through quiet times and Bible study to check off a box. When we invest our hearts in the relationship that matters for eternity, we receive blessings.

Trust in God’s Recipe 

God has a perfect plan for each of us, and His recipe for our lives is designed to grow us more in the likeness of Jesus. Trust in His guidance, even when the process seems slow or challenging. Just as a master chef knows the right ingredients and techniques to create a masterpiece, God knows what we need to become the best versions of ourselves.

Living a life of faith isn’t about taking shortcuts or settling for less. It’s about embracing the fullness of God’s love and the richness of His plan for us. So, don’t use skim milk in God’s recipe for your life. Choose the whole, nourishing experience that will lead to true fulfillment and joy.

What tip can you give for using richness in God’s recipe for life?

Comments 16

  1. I’m laughing because my husband is a foodie. When we married 35 years ago, I was the skinny skim-milk cook who had to adjust to a biscuits-and-gravy husband. He’s always telling me to avoid scrimping on the good stuff. But I have to admit that the rich flavors of ice cream and bread (with butter) are truly among God’s greatest blessings. Thanks for the analogy…I think I need to add some ice cream to my writing life….

    1. Hi Nancy, I’m so sorry. I answered this last week but forgot to hit “submit.” I’m like you, and my husband is like yours. Aren’t we thrilled that God’s rich blessings are healthy?

  2. Always great insights from you, DiAnn. I’m an oddling and never liked the taste of milk, but fortunately, I do understand a good analogy. Thanks for the reminder that some things shouldn’t be shortcutted.

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