Behind the Scenes of Writing a Novel

By DiAnn Mills @DiAnnMills

Writers spend hours, weeks, months, and sometimes years working on behind-the-scenes research in writing a novel. I’m no different. The story must be so real to the readers that they block the outside world and become the character.

Research involves thoroughly understanding the protagonist and antagonist. This includes how they live, earn a living, and react/respond to the world around them. I treasure every step of the journey.

Characterization is a top priority to entertain, inspire, and encourage readers. In the nearly three decades of writing, I’ve developed and continue to fine-tune a characterization sketch to aid in the process for each point of view character. Every prompt in my sketch must be answered on the twelve-to-fourteen-page questionnaire. There have been times when I’ve dived into the story and realized I made an error on the characterization sketch and made changes. Every prompt or question has a psychological and/or motivational meaning.

Plot development arises from the characters’ wants and needs. This is impossible without a thorough knowledge of the character and the story world.

Research adds credibility to the development of characterization, plot, setting, culture, dialogue, symbolism, and mental and spiritual growth. My goal is to visit the setting, walk the same roads as my characters, and interview the people. That includes listening to dialogue and interviewing those who have the same career. Learning about culture is powerful—exploring lifestyle, customs, habits, traditions, values, morals, celebrations, and the other traits that make people unique.

Research means learning. And learning means experiencing everything connected with a story. Libraries, museums, state and national parks, chambers of commerce, historical societies, landmarks, and reliable online research add to the process.

During the behind-the-scenes process, my mind whirls with the problems, goals, strengths, challenges, and the distinctiveness of the characters’ personalities. As a plot and subplots form, imaginary conversations pop into my head.

It’s not uncommon for my husband to say, “Where are you? What story are you writing in your head this time?”

The life of a writer is one of adventure and excitement. What is one aspect of behind-the-scenes writing that intrigues you?


Good writing friends, the team of Andrews and Wilson, have a new suspense novel ready for pre-order!

The team of Andrews and Wilson in this fourth installment of the Shepherds Series, good and evil collide in a battle that has raged for thousands of years, and Navy SEAL Jedidiah Johnson and his team are at the tip of the spear–fighting for humanity’s future and the ones they love.


Comments 20

  1. DiAnn, Alert! I feel a soap box sermon coming on! Contrary to popular thinking, everything before one minute ago is “historical” and needs to be researched. Again, contrary to popular belief, that includes all the points you made about knowing character, place, etc., not just era. Characters are people. How can we put words in a character’s mouth if we don’t know that person? However, I must admit a 12- to 14-page questionnaire never occurred to me!

  2. You really research the area, characters, history in your books. I appreciate all the work you do beforehand and that you always have a clean story for your readers. I have read many of your books down through the years. Keep on giving us exciting stories that the Lord puts into your brain.
    God bless you.

  3. Woah. I’ve never used a character questionnaire. I will have to search online for one. As a redeemed panster (LOL) I’ve gotten used to writing a synopsis and absolutely love research. It’s taught me so much and helped me deepen my characters. Great tips as always, Diann!

  4. DiAnn, you are quite successful in immersing the reader into the story! I truly feel like I must be an unnamed character when I read your novels.

    For a long time I was only reading books related to my profession. I have a sweet daughter-in-law who whet my appetite for branching out into reading for fun again. What a wonderful gift she gavve me!

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      Kathryn, I research before, but often as I write, I find I need more in the same or different area. In the characterization stage, I do the most research. Thanks for asking.

  5. Great tips on fleshing out a character and a plot, DiAnn. Writers learn so much as they research and understand the entire world of the major characters in a story.

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  6. I agree that characterization is so very important. A 12-14 page questionnaire? Wow! Mine is about seven pages. Makes me wonder what I’m missing.

    One constant critique I receive is I have lapses in logic. I don’t see them until a critique arrives. It’s very annoying and probably one of the things that hold me back from getting my novels published.

    For the last eight months I have been a caregiver for both my parents, so I find myself with no energy or motivation to write. I think about it, though. But I know thinking won’t get words on a page.

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      Toni, lapses in logic may mean a little longer look at your characters to consider how they will react and respond in the story. It will happen.

      Thinking about our writing helps us determine what we will write. Your current role as your parents’ caregiver may not give you energy or motivation to write, but those are all life experiences which will help you in the future.

      Be blessed

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